
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Josie Duggar Update: Growing Stronger Each Day

And now for an update on Josie Duggar:
Josie's nurses and doctors predict that she will be able to go home in about a month, near her March 18th due date. Mother Michelle is thrilled to be able to hold her baby now, and father Jim Bob continues to be devoted to his beautiful new daughter. A few weeks ago when Josie began sucking on her fingers, her parents were overjoyed. "That's the first time I've seen her do that," remarked Jim Bob.
Back at the Cornish house, the Duggars' "home away from home," Grandma Duggar and the older girls have their hands full keeping up with household chores and taking care of the little ones. Aside from Josie's good health, the family has recently celebrated yet another benchmark: 18th child Jordyn, just over a year old, is learning to walk! The Duggar kids love to watch her toddle around and help her up when she falls. Jordyn has a lot of energy, just like all her brothers and sisters.
What do you think?


  1. Congratulations Iam so happy that little Josie is doing so well! seeing that tiny babe brought me back 40 yrs when my little premie was born at 27 weeks. At that time Docters gave her a 10% chance of survival.Today she is a very busy Mom of boys that she also homeschools.God had a very special plan for her as she has a child with special needs. You have so many people praying for you as you watch the miracle of Josies life unfold. God comforts us in many ways as he wraps his arms of love around us. I will continue to pray for you everyday. soon little Josie will be home! Blessings to you all !!! lOVE FROM A TLC FAN

  2. So glad to hear that Josie is doing well. We have been praying and praying and praying some more for her health, for mom, dad, and grandma, and for her siblings. Can't wait to read a post that starts: "We brought Josie home today!"

    There is not much is more cute than watching a little one learn to walk. They're so wobbly and unsteady! Hurray for Jordyn!

  3. We are big fans, didn't know you had a blog. We have been praying for your family and Josie. We are a homeschooling family from California but are "roadschooling" in our RV for 8 months around the US. We are in AR right now, thinking of you! Blessings!

  4. I is wonderful to hear that your little miracle, Josie, is doing so very well. I watch the show for updates on Josie and the entire family. It is also a blessing that you have all the helpers that you do. My mom came from a family of eight children (not quite as big as yours) but it was so heartwarming to see how each would help in the care of my grandparents. God bless all of you and hope that Josie will be home with all of you soon.

    Keri, WI


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