
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Duggars Dig In" Recap

There has been a lot going on in the Duggar home! One morning, Jim Bob called his four oldest daughters together and told them that he had a surprise. Their dad is famous for his surprises! When he shared the Bible verse "The life of the flesh is in the blood," Jinger's eyes widened. She turned to her sisters and whispered, "Oh no!"

Josie is receiving blood each day, so the Duggars wanted to help. If their blood types don't match up to Josie's, their blood will go to someone else in need. Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger love to help people, but they were all a little apprehensive. However, they all agreed that Jim Bob was even more nervous! Michelle calls him the "biggest kid of all," and this name proved to be true when he winced so badly that he blew out his vain. The nurses had to draw blood from his other arm. For his braveness, Jim Bob was presented with a cuddly teddy bear!

Other than a little bit of dizziness, the 5 Duggars made it through. They were thankful to Joy-Anna, who served as their support team.

Fact: If all the Duggars gave blood,  they could save about 60 lives!

Next, the Duggar girls went grocery shopping. They have to shop often, and in small quantities (only 2 or 3 carts!) because their Little Rock house does not have near as much food storage space as their Springdale pantry, which is almost the size of a mini-mart. Michelle is proud of her daughters for adapting and "rising to the challenge" of taking care of the house and the little ones. But we must not forget Grandma Duggar. Lots of her work is behind-the-scenes, but the family could not do it without her!

Back at Arkansas Children's Hospital, the nurses informed Michelle that Josie Duggar had reached 2 pounds! She was given a feeding tube to eat her mom's breast milk. The procedure was difficult, as they had to stick an 8-inch tube down her throat to her small intestine, but little Josie did very well.

Keep checking the blog for more Duggar updates! 

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