Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Baby Forsyth on the Way

Just three months after becoming husband and wife, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth are ready to announce that they will soon enter parenthood. "Before we even were married, we were praying that God would give us kids, and [we are] so thankful that he has," says Joy in the video below.

"I hope that our child is pretty much just like their mother, selfless and always serving and loving people," adds Austin.

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Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Ummm. How long before they announce that she is expecting multiples?? She is way too pregnant to be 12 weeks along and I have no doubt that they saved themselves for their wedding night.

    1. Not everyone's body is the same she could be 3 months and be that big but she isn't really that big and it could also depend on the shirt she is wearing a tighter shirt

    2. I was thinking multiples too!

    3. I couldn't button my pants before I knew I was pregnant and I was in maternity clothes when I was 1 1/2 months. And only had 1 😊

    4. He said he hope the child is like their mother....their as in Plural...just a guess lol

    5. In the video, they did say "their mother". Makes you wonder.

    6. I was in maternity pants at 5 weeks and was huge at 8 weeks. Bodies are different

    7. I was the same way when I was pregnant with my last baby he was showing two weeks ahead but he came a week after he was due he was 13lbs 5oz at birth

    8. Exactly, could be way she's standing, could be number of things including multiples. I gained 53#s with my 1st child & d ont say it was because I overate because I couldn't even keep water down I had pregnancy sickness so bad

    9. Congrats Mommy, Daddy & Grandparents. God's Blessings Overflowing ♡

    10. "Their" might be poor grammar or an attempt not to divulge the sex of the baby.

    11. 9:46, they don't know what the baby is, she's not far enough along. They probably just don't want to call their baby "it"

    12. For those saying she is pregnant with multiples, I barely looked pregnant with my twins at 3 months. In fact, I was smaller with 2 than I was with 1 until the very end of the pregnancy. Stop body shaming pregnant women. Who cares how big or small she is for goodness sakes.

    13. Anon @12:58, there is a blood test they can do at 12 weeks, which among other things, can tell the sex of the baby.

  2. Congratulations Austin and Joy! Praying for your family as is grows with beautiful gifts from God.

  3. Congratulations, Joy and Austin!!!! ♥

  4. God Bless both of you and baby!

    Happy for you both and baby!

  5. Congratulations!

    Sharon from SC

  6. Congratulations... hope you have a wonderful easy pregnancy...

  7. Congratulations!! What a blessing from the Lord! Our first baby came 10 months after we were married. I wouldn't change it for anything! Enjoy every moment.

    1. My first came 10 months after my husband and I were married too. Such a blessing.

  8. I am REALLY excited for the couple and to hear what they name the new baby! Congrats you two!

  9. Yay!!! I'm so excited! Congrats you two!

  10. Wow, Joy-Anna looks a lot farther along then three months!!??

    1. I had a friend who showed very early, nothing weird there. Everyone is different:)

    2. She might have big babies like Jill

    3. But babies don't get big til the final few weeks...

    4. Even Jill and Jessa did not look like that at 3 months and they had big babies.

    5. I was showing at 2 months!

    6. That's true. We will find out eventually

    7. I look pregnant like that by 8 weeks . Some ppl have uterus swelling the first trimester.

    8. 3:54, yes they did, and people were accusing Jill and Derrick of getting pregnant out of wedlock too. it's very rude

  11. Congratulations! So excited for the both of you... may God bless your little family!

  12. Wow, that was fast 😁 congratulations to the both of you! Having children is such a blessing and I hope you enjoy every minute of every single day with them 🤗🤗🤗🤗

  13. Congratulations! So happy for your family you will make great parents. ❤️️

  14. WOW! So exciting!

  15. One down, 19 or 20 to go.

  16. I hope it's a girl, since the Duggars have gotten so many grandsons recently.

    1. Me too! A little girl would be fun. I think Austin would be a great dad for a little girl!

    2. Me too they need some more girls

  17. Congrades! Enjoy the time. I really loved it, but it is over before you know it....
    Who from the girls will be the first to have twins?

  18. I have seen a lot of negative comments online and it's sad to think that people doubt them because of the size of her bump and the fact that people who don't regularly keep up with the Duggars don't know that they often announce pregnancies very early on. I think that a preganncy announcement is always a blessing and I'm so happy for them :-)

  19. Congrats you two!!!!! Prayers for a healthy baby and safe delivery <3

  20. I think they seemed very sincere that they were waiting for the wedding night but I have to echo the other commenters -- she is showing A LOT for 13 weeks since the wedding! I went to a calendar and added it up because it is quite startling. Twins would make sense! Best wishes to this nice couple.

    1. She's just short waisted, which makes you show earlier. She would be a max of 15 weeks along if she got pregnant on her wedding night. She looks fine. And right in line with that.

    2. I agree Karen and Joe, everyone spreading gossip needs to knock it off, it's rude

  21. Josh & Anna: 9/08
    *pregnant: Michelle with Jordyn
    Jill & Derick: 6/14
    *pregnant: no one
    Jess's & Ben: 11/14
    *pregnant: Jill with Israel
    Cousin Amy & Dillon: 9/15
    *pregnant: Jessa with Spurgeon
    Jinger & Jeremy: 11/16
    *pregnant: Jesse with Henry & Jill with Samuel (early)
    Joy & Austin: 5/17
    *pregnant: Jill with Samuel & Anna with #5
    Joseph and Kendra: 9/17 (most likely)
    *pregnant: Joy with #1 & Anna (most likely)

    Fun little list I made 😀
    Congrats to Joy and Austin!!!

    1. actually, thats a great list grace! i was wondering about this and when joy & austin got married i was hoping to see wedding pics to figure it out cus i was thinking that there was someone pregnant in each wedding. (i was wrong) thanks for answering my question and putting together this list!

  22. Another space for the header:)

  23. Some women's body's produce more amniotic fluid, which makes them look much further along than they actually are. I have a family friend who always looks full term by the time she is 20 weeks, so Joy could just have that same thing going on.

    1. Yeah, everybody's different, but it's not possible to show that much when it's your first baby and you're that young.

    2. What? It's very unusual to look full term at just 20 weeks. Your friend had a condition called polyhydraminos, and it's dangerous. It's not "just" having more fluid.

    3. KitKath, that is the name of the condition, thank you because I couldn't remember it, and this is her 5th baby with it, all of her kids are healthy and so is she. I know it CAN be dangerous, but they've always been fine. My whole point is, there are reasons people can show a lot early on, everyone doesn't need to be saying Joy got pregnant out of wedlock, it's just rude.

  24. It must be a thing for the Duggar sisters to wear the same form-fitting uniform to accentuate a pregnancy.

    1. I noticed she was wearing loose things until she announced the pregnancy, and then wham, into those tight t-shirts.

    2. Yup. There goes all the modesty rules. Tight, tight, and tighter from now on.

    3. It's not a Duggar uniform, it's a pretty common thing, since it's flattering for your figure.

    4. To them a pregnancy is hitting the goal so they proudly wear those tight shirts to show off.

    5. Oooh, grrr, hmfff, tight t-shirts!!! Ridiculous! What will they wear next!? ... Probably not a tent even though it's really pretty much the only thing that will be loose fitting after a while. Even with a big belly a girl still wants to feel pretty once in a while. Just sayin'. Pregnant ladies can't be wearing baggy clothes forever.

    6. Not modest at all. In my nationality, and older women in my family would say this, that the men like to stare at a pregnant women's body. I always found that creepy but true. So that could be true for a lot of men. I thought they were supposed to draw eyes towards their countanence?

    7. Yes, after all we've been told about how they "choose modesty," they wear skin-tight clothing while pregnant. I don't know how that can be comfy, all that stretching and pulling over pregnancy-sensitive areas.

    8. 1:20 AM -- What nationality is that? Just curious.

  25. How sad that they barely have time to enjoy life together before having a baby. Those early years together are some of the best. MY OPINION ONLY, so hold your reprimands.

    1. I fully agree, which I why I applaud Jinger and Jeremy for taking the time to travel and get to know one another. And no, just because Joy "knew" Austin for a long time doesn't mean she really knows him once they're married. Totally different as husband and wife living together versus just friends.

    2. No, I agree with you. Its so nice to have that alone time with a new spouse. Children are wonderful but add a lot of stress to relationships. Its nice if a couple gets to focus on one anothee first instead of a baby.

    3. I agree with 3:17 and 3:48 completely.

    4. I got pregnant right away and have had children back to back, and I think it has made my husband and I closer. I had to lean on him alot more during all the sickness, a baby in NICU and such.

    5. The are enjoying each other the way they want to. This is life and they are embracing it! Congrats!

    6. 6:11, sure that's possible, but you can make an educated guess that Jeremy is not on board with the Duggar way of doing things by the kinds of pastors he admires and how Jinger has so much more freedom in how she dresses now. Jinger looks more like a modern Christian young woman now.

    7. @6:11. No, I don't think that Jinger and Jeremy want to be pregnant. I think they are blissfully enjoying marriage sans children for awhile. It's lovely. Jinger appears to be thriving, not calculating if she can beat her parents and sisters in the baby making game.

    8. You're lucky, 8:23, because all that can easily overwhelm a man and make him distant.

  26. congrats to Joy and Austin! You folks will make wonderful parents! God Bless you both

  27. Hey, listen up: commenting on the size, shape, or anything else about someone's body is inappropriate, unless you are saying, "Wow, you are glowing!" Etc. Weight, etc, are off the table. This includes weight loss. Someone could have lost 60 lbs. due to colitis --so don't assume they lost weight to look better! If someone wants to talk about their body with you, they will. Joy looks great, so happy and excited. Congrats, Joy and Austin!

    1. Nobody is commenting in a way that's demeaning: she's beautiful. We're just saying that for how much she shows she should be furtber along than three months.

  28. Congratulations! Based on the wedding date, looks like she could be about 14wks. Also, some people show very early, there are a lot of factors.

    1. Don't forget the medical ppl will add 2 weeks for LMP. They don't count from conception.

  29. Wish you a healty pregnecy, greets from Holland!

  30. Congratulations to you both x

  31. Congratulations Joy & Austin! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy & a healthy baby!

  32. Wow, surprised but not surprised. :) Good for them, and may they have a healthy baby and healthy mom.

  33. Praise God!! Congratulations! A BLESSING from God to a marriage. Who says to wait to get to know each other, the baby is a big part of the get to know :) Sweet babies BOND marriages, and are they ever sweet!! God's creation - precious in His sight! Jesus Loves the Little Children will never grow old!

    1. Thank you for your comment! I your view on marriage and children is correct. I get so annoyed when people say they should wait and get to know each other first, or that they should "live life " first before having children.

    2. Anonymous- The vast majority of marriage counselors would disagree with your statement that babies "bond" marriages. If that were true (even for the Duggars), Joshua and Anna should have been well-bonded. Yes, each child is beautifully and uniquely created by God, but they're not designed to bond a husband and wife. The baby needs parents who already bonded to each other in a strong, emotionally and spiritually healthy marriage, with some maturity and life experience under girding it. They're supposed to be well-established and stable first, to provide for the baby's needs; it's not the baby's responsibility to "bring them together". That's a scary parenting philosophy.

  34. Poor Joy looked like she was trying not to throw up during most of the video. Seems like morning sickness must be hitting her hard. Hope you feel better soon and congratulations!

  35. Congrats guys!being a mother is the best job I've ever had. I don't need a busy career to keep me happy. I need family. So glad you all are still homemaking. Good luck joy and Austin! May we be fruitful and multiply!

    1. Brianafrommo, thank you for this post! i too loved being a mom and now a grandma and a great-grandma. There is no other position in life that can compare to that one. I hope people start seeing children as a blessing rather than a burden. can't see a word in the Bible where God tells women they need a career. I think college is highly over rated and one of the lies satan is feeding us today is if we don't have a college degree we are nothing.

    2. I agree 100% :)

    3. Agreed. Accomplishments in the working world were great, but they sure didn't beat the joy of my five babies. Homemaking, child-raising, home-schooling, and helping out with our church keep me very busy and utilize my personal gifts and abilities just as well as or better than when I was a working woman. And I am never bored. :)

    4. I agree to! One of my greatest desires for life is to be a wife and a mother! Who wants to spend hours working out of the home and hardly spend time with your kids when they need you the most? Some mothers don't mind this at all because they have different tastes for life, but my desire is to be a stay-at-home mother.

    5. That is what I thought, I didn't finish college instead I became a mom to three amazing children and then my "christian husband" left me. Now I stress how important college is to all three of my children and I thank god they are excellent students and that the oldest 2 are in high ranking colleges and my youngest is on his way as well. I was never bored as a stay at home mom either, I loved it but life doesn't always work out how you plan or wish it to be.

  36. I showed early with all my (4) children, especially with my youngest babies, I started showing at 8 weeks and found out at 9 weeks I was expecting my now 20 month old twins, good luck both

  37. Owwwww what a nice news!! Congrats Joy and Austin!!!

  38. Someone, please send Joy some DECENT and MODEST maternity wear...not another round of those awful tight spandex IMMODEST.

    1. I agree with your comment. All those knit tops are really immodest.

    2. What is shameful about a "baby bump"?

    3. I'm sure if Joy Anna wanted what YOU think is a modest shirt, she'd be wearing that. Her shirt is fine, I hate that everyone feels the need to make rude comments over any article of clothing the girls wear.

    4. Anon 9:55, it's not really the baby bump. It's how their shirts are so tight and revealing. It's like someone vacuumed out all the air and it's sticking to their skin as if wet. And it's a little tight around the area *above* the belly... if you know what I mean. It's just revealing: something completely opposite from what the Duggars proclaim. Why not something a little less tight and more loose? Or a little cardigan over it. The Bates are always modest when they're expecting. It's like the Duggars won't spend enough money to invest in some pregnancy clothes -- which is silly since there's no doubt they will get a lot of use out of them. It would totally justify the purchase.

    5. You are crazy. Joy looks adorable! There is nothing wrong with seeing a baby bump. Those knit tops are stretchy and breathable. Do you think woman should be wearing akle length dresses and burkas? Come on. She is totally modest. You have a potty mind and objectifying her. Shame on YOU!!!!

    6. They have always said they are to draw people to their countenance, not their body. That goes out the window when pregnant.

    7. Wearing those clingy tops would have felt very uncomfortable to me when pregnant. I didn't want people seeing just how big I was! :)

    8. At 1:20PM......yes ,I still can't get use to these tight form fitting 'maternity wear' !....
      Can anyone picture Michelle wearing something like that her last few pregnancies ❓‼️
      Oh my.....give me an old fashioned smock...❣

  39. Congratulations to Joy and Austin!

    This is extra sweet for me because, just hours after learning of their pregnancy, I learned I was pregnant - after months of trying, and after years of getting medical issues squared away first.

    It will be nice to hopefully go through pregnancy and childrearing together, if not actually in person. :)

    I'm praying everything goes well for both of us. Mine will be a high risk pregnancy.

    1. aww that's so sweet 7:30 ,I'll be praying for you! -E

    2. Congratulations to you!! You were right to keep on believing and to keep on trying !
      I wish you all the best for this pregnancy, and I hope it goes as smoothly as possible !

    3. That's amazing. Hope you have a wonderful pregnancy.

    4. Aw, that's great! Hope everything goes well.

    5. May God bless you and your baby.

  40. Congratulations. I had twins exactly 10 months from being married. ALL women carry differently. I have a number of friends who showed very early in their pregnancy and had small babies. Every baby is a blessing from the Lord. And, they seem very thankful and are ready for this next chapter of their lives together. Again, congratulations.

  41. Congratulations u look beautiful a god bless you both on this new bundle of joy.

  42. As young as Joy still seems to me, I love Joy and Austin's relationship the most. I think he especially seems so loving towards her. As long as they are on the same page with marriage and children, things will all go very well. It's in those moments when you feel like you're in a whole other book when life feels hard. I pray they can remain strong in their marriage as this child is brought into the world.

  43. Awww bless them Lord! Such great news!

  44. Congratulations! From The Reeds Christiansburg,VA

  45. Great for Joy and Austin! But I love that Jinger and Jermery are spending time getting to know each other before having kids. I hope she doesn't feel pressured to have kids right away. I love that Jinger moved away from home with her husband to start a new live. It is just so refreshing to see more of actual life.

    1. 9:51, have you thought of this? Maybe they are not doing anything to prevent pregnancy, maybe it just hasn't happened yet.

    2. Actual life?So not having kids right away isn't real life? Is finally wearing pants and not just skirts the only way to live? Just because it's the popular way for everyone doesn't mean it's the only right way to live.

    3. It's always you need rush rush rush to grow up and and go to collage , but when you get married it's always " SLOW DOWN and wait to have kids! Enjoy life!" Joy and Austin are enjoying life by having kids. I am sure Jeremy and Jinger will be delighted to have kids as well.

    4. What the OP said could be incredibly off based. As a leader of a Christian Infertility group, we have many women who have come to groups CRYING bc people comment on how wonderful it is they are TRAVELING the world and spending TIME as a couple before having kids. One of my best friends said she would give EVERY European/Hawaiian vacation back to have 1 baby!!!! On the outside, the couple looked like they had grabbed life by the horns!!! On the inside they were grieving terribly for children. 8 years into marriage, and people were SHOCKED they had adopted bc so many had made assumptions. 15 years into marriage, and they were blessed by their first biological child. They, too, like my husband and I, were married young...and please don't equate young with uneducated. We went to one of the most prestigious schools on the east coast for college...but I chose to be a SAHM and a home schooling mom! Please stop assuming!!!

    5. 9:51 PM - Totally agree.

  46. Maybe lay off the ice cream. That is one big bowl of ice cream! Lol.

    1. I saw that too. Perhaps big "baby bump" is just big portions. Her bowl said "eating for two". Her "2" is only ounces at this time. I know first hand the reprucusion of "eating for two". 80 pounds later at delivery I was much dismayed my child wasn't a healthy 50 pound newborn!! Took me 18 months to lose all the "twosies" portions!

    2. I saw that too. Perhaps big "baby bump" is just big portions. Her bowl said "eating for two". Her "2" is only ounces at this time. I know first hand the reprucusion of "eating for two". 80 pounds later at delivery I was much dismayed my child wasn't a healthy 50 pound newborn!! Took me 18 months to lose all the "twosies" portions!

    3. Um.. Dar? Maybe some exercise is in order?

    4. Nothing wrong with ice cream. She's getting her calcium intake for two. :)

    5. Calcium, and a lot of sugar ❗️

  47. Congratulations Joy-Anna & Austin! Here's hoping all goes well and you'll have a health baby! You will make wonderful parents I'm sure!

  48. what? my belly's bigger than hers and I'm not even pregnant! :) They are awesome an awesome couple. Wishing them the very best!

  49. I like how right before the wedding joy lost a ton of weight and everyone said she was dangerously thin and now she was apparently already pregnant during that time? If she got pregnant on the day she wed she would be almost 16 weeks. Which is 4 months. You count from two weeks before conception on average. Also if she was dieting hard core up to the wedding and then found out a few weeks in she was pregnant she was probably like yeah now I can eat whatever I want and went crazy and it may not be all baby. 😜 I guess we'll see when the baby is born and besides that her sisters have both already had 3 10 lb babies between the two of them. Very possible joy could have a very large baby as well.

    1. I agree with you 11:44. Although, the baby wouldn't be getting bigger until further on in her pregnancy Lol

  50. Congratulations will be praying for your family.

  51. I've heard a lot of neagative comments as well in regards to Joy showing so much at only 12 weeks pregnant. I have no doubts the newlyweds saved themselves for marriage!! Every woman responds differently to pregnancy. Some show sooner or later than others. I do think they chose to announce this baby to divert all the negative attention away from the Dillard's. I don't think they were going to announce this until after the new season. And I highly doubt Sans birth will be shown either because something did go horribley wrong or bc Derrick lost his job at TLC.....

    1. I don't understand why anyone cares when she conceived. Whether she's 12 weeks along or more than that- not important in the scheme of things.

  52. Congratulations Joy & Austin! So happy for you!

  53. I wish Joy and Austin had waited to have children; Joy is still a child herself.

  54. I hope Joy & Austin aren't paying any attention to the numerous internet gossips and are just enjoying this exciting time. They clearly stated before that they were excited to have kids one day, and they must be thrilled that it is happening!

  55. It's so amazing of the gift that God had given these two followers of God. They certainly where blessed . God has so many plans for all of us and we should all be thankful for what he keeps giving us. Congratulations Joy and Austin and May God Bless You through this pregnancy!!!

  56. I'm so happy and excited. Ya'll are the family I never really had so when I hear of marriage and babies I literally cry because I'm so dag darn happy for everyone. Love ya, Sonya

  57. I am wondering why they don't give a due date. It will go a long way with all this speculating.


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