Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Recap: 'The After Show'

Counting On "The After Show"
  • The Duggar siblings are in Nashville, Tennessee, with cinematographer and producer Scott Enlow. (This segment was filmed about eight weeks ago.)
  • As the siblings watch a clip showing FLAME’s visit to Arkansas, Derick asks Ben whether he would be interested in making his own hip hop album. Ben says that’s not where his talents lie, but he does agree to “spit some bars” for the camera.
  • Scott Enlow asks the Dillards to share the scariest moment they have experienced in Central America. “Every week, it seems like there would be different instances,” says Jill. One night, Jill and Derick heard a loud crash while they were getting ready for bed. Derick told Jill to take Israel into the bathroom, which is their safe room. The sound ended up being something that had fallen, but it definitely spooked the Dillards.
  • Jessa says that when she is down in Central America visiting, she hears gunshots frequently. “I can’t imagine being home alone with a little one and hoping that your husband makes it back every night,” says Jessa.
  • “We’re willing to take that risk because of what’s at stake,” says Derick. “We want to help those people. You’ve got to educate yourself constantly on the situation.”
  • In a clip from the season, the Duggars announce that many of them don’t enjoy sharing food or drinks. “I think because there’s a lot of us in our family, that’s why we’re germaphobes,” says Jill. “Not the other way around.”
  • The next topic is the siblings’ experience at survival camp. Jill says that her life down in Central America is similar to the surroundings at survival camp. She relies on her Eagle Scout husband for safety. 
  • After watching a clip showing the newly redesigned guesthouse, the girls admit that their dad is often on edge about their renovation projects. They say he has to “warm up” to their ideas. "If we ever tell him we're going to redo something in the house, he's like, just don't paint my walls, don't paint my trims, don't paint my cabinets," says Jessa.
  • The surprise guest turns out to be Jeremy Vuolo. He shows up at the studio with a bouquet of roses and completely catches his fiancée off guard. "Oh my goodness!" exclaims Jinger. "This is the best thing ever! I can't believe you."
  • Jinger loves surprises and says that Jeremy is great at orchestrating them. "I enjoy a good surprise," adds Jessa. "And I try not to meddle too much, if I know that Ben's planning something and he wants to do something to surprise me."
  • Jill, on the other hand, does not usually like to be caught off guard. "Her first reaction would be to get mad first because she didn't know, then she would be happy afterwards," laughs Jessa.
  • Scott Enlow plays the clip where Jim Bob tells Jeremy how expensive Jinger's thrift shopping habit can be. Jeremy says that he and Jinger have similar styles, so it will be completely fine if she goes shopping, as long as she's frugal.
  • Scott asks Jinger and Jeremy if they plan to start a family immediately after marriage. "We really are just looking to the Lord to see what he provides, and so, we'll see," shares Jeremy. "Expecting by the end of the year," Derick jokes. The look on Jinger's face shows that she's not too keen on that idea.
  • Jeremy, Ben, and Derick watch the clip in which Jeremy asks Jim Bob for permission to court Jinger. "I don't have food on my mind," says Jeremy, reliving the moment. "I just want to talk to him, but he orders this big chocolate muffin. He's just chowing down on that thing. He's hungry."
  • Jeremy discusses the courtship standards that he and Jinger came up with. "Jinger and I are both very affectionate," admits Jeremy. "It means a lot to have an arm around or something, and so that's how we express our affection. We have a clean conscience, as long as it's not leading us into impurity..."
  • Spurgeon and Israel come on set for a few moments to say hi before Grandma C (Derick's mom) takes then back to another room to continue playing. 
  • Next, Scott shows a clip from Jeremy's proposal. "I was just so overwhelmed with joy," says Jinger. "This is this moment I've...asked God for...I was just so grateful." Jinger plans to move her belongings to Laredo before the wedding so she and Jeremy can go straight there after the honeymoon.
  • Jessa and Ben have put adoption on the back burner for the time being, but they say they would "love to add to [their] family soon" and "will see how God opens that door." The expectant parents plan to find out the gender of their baby, but they say they might not tell the rest of the family. 
  • Scott asks Jill and Derick if a pregnancy could alter their plans to return to Central America. "Yeah, it does play into that," says Derick. "We can make all of our plans, but ultimately, God is going to direct our steps, and we rest in that." Jill says they are actively trying to have another baby and that she has taken many pregnancy test but is not expecting (yet).
  • What's on the horizon for Jana? She recently purchased an old tattoo parlor and has plans to renovate it. "It's kind of been on hold, just because we have other projects..." she says. "Hopefully, maybe over the winter time we will start on that."
  • Joy, who just graduated from high school, has been doing online Bible classes, although she does not plan to go to full-on college. 


  1. Anyone else find it extremely wierd that by 17 weeks Jessa has had no ultrasounds!!?

    1. No. I haven't had ultrasounds with any of my three children.

    2. There is no medical need for an ultrasound. If you would never abort the child and you are ok with not knowing the sex, then what do you think is the purpose of the ultrasound? It is reasonable to have just one US at 20 wks to accurately date the pregnancy and do an anatomical check so you are prepared for any medical problems and to find out the sex for fun.

    3. Wait, you said there was "no need" for an ultrasound and then you state you should get one at 20 weeks? In other words, there is a need, and you should get one (or more). Remember, it was the ultrasound that told Michelle what happened with Jubilee. She thought, until that moment, that everything was OK.

  2. Wait jessa has had no ultrasounds?! Was shocked to watch that..

  3. The "surprise" guest was Jeremy. I think we all knew that ahead of time. I was just relieved that it was not Josh.

  4. If Jill and Derick are really concerned about their security as missionaries, they should remove themselves from the family business and live a private life. It's their desire for that easy reality TV money that puts them at risk of danger.

  5. I thought it was rude of Jessa last night to interrupt and say that Jinger was going to "give up shopping" once she was married. That was uncalled for.

    1. Jessa kind of butted in with that remark, yes.

    2. Jess's constantly interrupted everyone during the entire show.

  6. Raise your hand if you've ever heard gunshots where you live (either legal or illegal ones), or if anyone has ever gotten shot in your town/city/neighborhood. Uh-huh...look at all those hands going up... Jessa, don't pretend that hearing gunshots is so shocking. Your own brothers and sisters shoot guns. You were photographed holding a gun in a gun store.

    1. Yup! I lived and raised my daughters primarily alone in an inner city. Gun shots and murder sadly were quite common. My girls have seen drug deals, fights, weapons etc They are strong Christian women who don't go around crying and hiding in the bathroom. Nope--they volunteer at homeless shelters and feed the poor. We don't have armed guards in my neighborhood. We trust the Lord.

    2. There's a difference between target practice/legal hunting and actual gun violence and shootings! Why would you downplay a real issue in Central America just because some areas in the US have the same issue? Doesn't make it any less scary. Pretty sure the gunshots Jessa was referring to wasn't somebody out sighting in their rifle.

    3. It is much different to hear gunshots from a safe person that you expect to be shooting- like a family member practing at a shooting range or on a hunting trip then to hear gunshots in your home while relaxing with your family. It is not a normal experience and SHOULD be considered very scary. I'm genuinely sorry if hearing gunshots from an unexpected source is a part of your daily life.

    4. Nobody ever gets shot where I live.... just saying.

    5. Jill supposedly went to that area with SOS Missions before, so why was she now shaking in her shoes over being there? I think she didn't want to be there but wasn't able to say so to Derick directly. So she internalized the fear until it hit the breaking point, and they had to come home. Adding air conditioning so she could lock the doors obviously wasn't enough security for her. She wanted out. Too bad she had to go through that. She'll be shaky about it for a long time.

    6. I live in Los Angeles, and I don't think I've ever heard gunshots.

    7. Someone got shot on my street. :/

  7. Was Jill telling the truth? She looked pregnant last night, maybe a few months behind her sister. Maybe it wasn't the right forum to announce it, so she just blurted out no?

    1. I didn't watch the show so I don't know about her looks, but why did she take ''many pregnancy tests'' if she didn't had serious doubts she was pregnant?

  8. What are the chances of Jana opening that building back up as another tattoo parlor?

  9. Made me sad to hear Joy said she was going to be "helping at home." Joy, you're the child, not the mother to those children. You don't need to stay home to help. It's not your responsibility! I think these girls are scared to leave home. Either they'll feel guilty about doing it, or overwhelmed "out in the world." Either way, it's sad. What parent doesn't want to see their child grow up and successfully leave home? It's our job to prepare our children to do that.

    1. As someone who's the same age and in much the same situation as Joy, it's hurtful when people make comments like these. I'm trying to do what God wants me to do, and right now that's staying home and helping. But people are always questioning me, as if to make me feel guilty and imply I'm "wasting" my life. Doing God's will is never a waste! Don't make Joy feel that way. She's trying to do God's will.

    2. Saddens me too. The Bates (19 kids too) don't have a problem with their girls going to college. More and more it really does seem like they are just waiting for marriage. By now Jana, whom is 26 years old, could have had her bachelor's degree, even masters, and have her own self sustainable income. John David has his own income, and supposedly has his own place.

    3. Raising your siblings is not God's will. Who told you that!

    4. @2:12. It's sad because God never said women can't be educated, have careers or live on their own. Man's opinions are not the same as the will of God. It's just an ideology interpreted by one man whom never even married himself.

  10. What a wonderful testament to the Duggars to have such long lasting close relationship with Scott Enlow and the other crew as well.They have become more than just a work relationship. The crew see's them off screen and they know way more about them than we all do,they speak so highly about them off camera as well.The crew played a big part in keeping their show afloat.Those petitions didn't seem to work,see you all next season🤑 ha-rumph!

    1. I thought some of the crew left at one point, in protest of something. Josh? I recall hearing that something happened.

    2. Nope, they were all still there, didnt you notice them in the quick shot?

  11. OK, legit question: Why have all the Duggar girls married boys who want to be a minister, a missionary, or (already) a pastor? Starting to see a pattern here. Is that all that Jim Bob allows near his girls? Is that the qualification needed for getting that 30-50 page application to fill out? Or is Jim Bob purposely picking boys he can coerce into those directions, if they aren't already going there? This is starting to be more than a coincidence, wouldn't you say? What's behind it? What's wrong with finding your daughter someone with a totally secular career?

    1. I read in Growing up Duggar that it is important that their future husbands be ministry minded. They said that to them it means being open with your faith. No matter if your a pastor, a mechanic, or a political leader, they want a man who's faith is first and foremost. With that being said, I think it's more of a coincidence than anything. His own kids want to be home builders, car salesmen, and missionaries. I believe that the girls and Mr. Duggar are looking for a lifestyle of being open to ministry where ever God has you.

      God bless

  12. At the end of the episode, Jessa said something like there's a lot more going on that you don't know about. What did she mean by that? What kind of Duggar secrets was she referring to? Or was she just trying to drum up another season of this show for her family? You know, some secrets are best being kept that way, not blasted on social media or TV.

  13. 'Scott asks Jinger and Jeremy if they plan to start a family immediately after marriage. "We really are just looking to the Lord to see what he provides, and so, we'll see," shares Jeremy.' In other words, they will not practice birth control, so it is safe to assume they will start having children right away, barring any physical difficulties. This shouldn't come as any surprise.

    1. I thought he looked to be trying to remember the correct response to give while publicly representing the Duggar family.

  14. The look on Jinger's face at the thought of being pregnant before the end of the year certainly made it clear that she is not keen on that idea, lol!!!! She wants some alone time, with just her and Jeremy. They may be the first to prevent a pregnancy for a year or two. We'll see.

    1. I think that is a good idea, and both Jinger and Jeremy's expressions seemed like they were more interested in spending some time with each other than jumping into parenthood.

    2. I saw that look too. If she doesn't want children right away, she should consider birth control pills. It's not like her doctor will tell on her.

    3. Sounds like Jill and Derrick are on edge in South America. They got quite spooked because of a fallen shower rod.

  15. Helping the people in that area of Central America is going to take more than Derick handing out Bibles. There are socioeconomic problems - and always have been - that he couldn't even begin to solve. And he's making his wife terrified in the process. Nice try, Derick, but find another solution. Peace Corps?

  16. Did Jana say what she's doing with this tattoo parlor?

  17. Recap of a recap of a recap show! It's a bit insulting to the audience's intelligence. It's past time to put an end to the weekly show if this is the best they've got.

  18. I'm a european christian lady and I have been reading these blogs about extremely conservative american christians, many of them so called "quiverfull" christians. Although I don't agree on birth control and extreme submission on wife's part, I can still see that Bible can be interpreted to support that. But what I cannot understand is this stay-at-home-daughter movement... In biblical times the household was making a living from their land, so I can easily understand that household consisted from many people and extended family/servants/slaves and it was essential to everyone to pitch in. But in today's world many people don't live that way. So I don't understand why on earth do these young girls and women stay at home. There's plenty of time to learn how to manage a house hold even if you work or study full time. I wouldn't be so upset about this, if it weren't for the blogs were I have seen where this sometimes leads to: tons of kids being fed with potato soup and peanutbutter sandwiches, kids lacking adequate winter clothes and education etc., moms trying to juggle 15 kids, homeschool, chores, dollar stretching and many times some small business action on the side to make ends meet. Not everyone can have a tv show to help with the income.

    Would it be so terrible for this young women to have jobs so they could save, for example, a hefty down payment for their future home so that they won't have to live this exhausting lifestyle of trying to cope with tiny income and they could just focus on their large families. Even part time working might bring in nice savings for the future marriage, so the lady would still have plenty of time for ministry or what other things keeps her busy. And I do think that it's the parent's responsibility to take care of the family, not grown up daughter's. They should be focusing on their future!

    1. They earn reality television income, so they're covered.

    2. Hi there, they talk about it in their book, Growing Up Duggar.

      From my understanding,
      the purpose is so that they are protected. How many girls between the ages of 18-25 who have left home for college or work have you heard of horrible things happening to and then becoming involved with destructive behaviors. And even if not horrible, what about just broken hearted after dating a man that was careless with their heart? The purpose of living at home is to protect them from that.

      It's not a control thing or to hold them back in any way. I had to leave home at 18 becauss my home was an unhealthy place, I wish I had had parents that were stable and financially secure who could have provided a place for me to grow into my adulthood protected and with less stress. And who taught me what it looked like to be a daughter, so in my relationship with God now I would know how to relate to Him as a Dad.

      The older girls all do things for money. They are buying and selling cars and property and investing their time and money wisely. I wouldn't be surprised if they each had very large savings accounts of their own earnings. They also focus on life skills....a value many young people today know nothing about. Yet, its nearly impossible to learn life skills when you're working full time just to pay rent. Or partying in college dorms.

      Their parents take great care of them, JimBob buys each daughter a car when she gets her license, etc. They care for their kids so well without enabling them to a mindset of entitlement or stunting their personal maturity. It's pretty incredible and I admire them for it.

    3. I'm a California Christian lady, and I agree with you.

    4. Agreed. My husband and I are conservative christians as well (from Germany). We do not agree on wives working out of their homes ONCE children are there! We got married three years ago and the first year I was still finishing my education and after that I worked until our son was born. Now, it is clear for both of us that I'll be a stay at home mommy, for we see this as biblical. But I don't get the stay at home daughter movement either. You can ve a great testimony to the world working out of your homes. I, at least, had many possibilities to spread the gospel to my co workers.
      Also, I think, it is good to enjoy your first year as a married couple without getting pregnant right away. You need to get used to live the married life, enjoying intimacy and all that. It is a pure joy especially since christian young couples have not exprerienced that before marriage.
      And there are other options than the birth control pill, which are pretry much not acceptable for christians! If you look into natural family planning,that is a great way to,well,plan your family. And it is agreeable with the Bible.

  19. We all called it when we said that something happened to Jill to scare her. How on edge do you have to be to react like that to a shower rack falling?

    1. Maybe it was a past childhood trauma.

    2. And still releasing tension with tears and Derick did not seem very personal or interested, he treated Jill like she was making an unnecessary scene.

    3. I noticed that about Derick, too. He sure minimalized his wife's feelings, on camera. Good way to make her confused and maybe even resentful. She was treated like a child whose father was tired of hearing her cry.

    4. She probably was. She knew before marriage he wanted international missions as he was in Nepal when they skyped/courted. I thought in their doctrine wives were to submit in all things..and joyfully at too. Jill doesn't appear to joyful and now we will here how God changed their mission field to Tonitown Arkansas!

  20. So far, the most dangerous thing Jill and Derick have experienced is a bathroom rack falling down. El Salvador murders are gang related. Being poor 'gringos' makes them *less* of a target than locals who might get injured by mistaken identity. Their drama needs to stop, they need to find real ways to help besides 'spreading the good word', or come home and get jobs!

  21. Stay in the USA and witness to the tons of people that don't know Jesus. Keep your family safe especially since I think you will soon be having another child. Your a family guy/dad now and it is your responsibility to keep them safe.

    1. I am very fond of Jill and Derick and truly wish they would not put their lives in danger by living in a dangerous country (and risking little Israel's life too) when they could lead fulfilling lives here in the USA. Jill's subtle reactions, although she appears to be trying to put on a brave face and to show support for her husband who she adores, seem to show she is somewhat traumatized from living in such stressful conditions. Alot of her fear is likely for Izzy. I think she is really hoping to get pregnant while home so she won't have to return to Central America.

  22. You know, you don't have to be negative or rude, you can just quit watching the show. But I guess you ARE interested enough to watch so you can put these rude comments on here. I SUPPORT THE DUGGAR'S, DILLARD'S, SEEWALD'S, VUOLO'S AND THE BATE'S Families!

    1. Why do so many Duggar fans not know how to correctly make words and names plural?

  23. Why don't the Duggars join Peace Corps if they want to help third world countries? Joy Anna you should follow what you want and not what your parents want

    1. Several things would prevent the Duggar's from volunteering with the Peace Corps, chief among them the necessity of a four year degree. According to www.peacecorps.gov:
      "Opportunities are available for individuals with a combination of relative job experience and education, though most opportunities require a four-year degree."
      Most Duggar children appear to have either education nor work experience.

  24. Why haven't the Duggars helped with Peace Corps

    1. Peace Corps placements are very competitive and require higher education and/or relevant professional work experience. The Duggars would not be qualified.

  25. I'm sure that Derick can fulfill his need to minister by starting right home in Arkansas. Lots of folks in need there. Why does he feel the need to travel to foreign countries to spread God's word? Nepal? El Salvador? These aren't Godless countries just not Christian countries.

    1. According to the Bible, "Not Christian" = Godless.

      Jesus said, "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father, but by Me." John 14:6.

    2. But the "Not Christians" don't use that book or that doctrine, they use others that say differently! So you're only "Godless" from a judgemental Christian standpoint.

    3. Catholics are Christian.

    4. "Christian" means a follower of Christ. That's all it means. You can call yourself a Catholic or a Protestant, but if you're not following Christ, you're not a Christian. The Dillards are trying to reach people who are not Christ-followers, no matter what label. That's all.

  26. So it sounds like everything in the house is Jim Bob's? My walls, my trims, my cabinets. I remember when he got so upset when the girls wanted to redecorate their dorm room and the horse got painted over. He does have unusual attachments. Might explain the tight rein he likes to keep on his children.

  27. I like Jill and Derick the best. Off the guys Derick seems the most authentic. Having babies is not a race. Enjoy the one you have.

  28. Prospective suitors have to fill out a questionnaire? Just don't know what to say about that. Jim Bob needs to trust his daughters, adult daughters at that, to know their own minds. Guess I did know what to say after all.

  29. Well I guess it's finally been confirmed that Jill hates Livingin El Salvador. And that they'll stay in Arkansas "if" they get pregnant. That's like me saying I'll do something "if" I eat a meal tomorrow.

    1. I don't know if she hates it but it would only be natural for a young mother, whose every instinct is to protect her child, to be uneasy in a dangerous place. That kind of daily stress could take a toll on anyone. I hope they decide to use their many talents here in America, at least while they have little ones.

  30. Did Joy explain why she's not going to college? Where I come from, unless you're going into a trade, you go to college even if you're planning to someday be a stay-at-home mom.

    1. When you say "where I come from" do you mean simply that that is how you were raised in your family? Not all parents push or demand their child goes to college or trade school. It would be nice but no one can force a child if they have no interest in either. I am a single mother and raised my son without either and we did just fine, I worked full-time and still do.

    2. Many, many educated and working people see a young person living at home not working or going to school as a sign of failure. Just saying.

  31. I don't understand why commenters feel the need to put down Derick's attempt to do what he deems is his calling in central america. Who are any of us to even comment on that let alone negative comments like "nice try Derick". My word how rude that is!

    1. I agree. They are just out there trying to make the world a better place!

    2. How is handing out candy and painting nails making the world a better place? That's what has happened every ministry trip before.

    3. How many minutes of their trip did u actually see, so u think the only thing they did was for your benefit and the cameras.The did so much more than that, how many hours are in a day...are u going over there yearly...I think y'all need to be 100% positive of (knowing it all), befor you state such I'll informed rubbish...nuff said

  32. Most of us say "child" or "kid." The Duggars always say "little one." I wonder why?

  33. Why was this filmed in Nashville, Tennessee? Am I missing something here?

  34. I feel so bad for Jill! She seems upset and depressed and really doesn't seem to be happy in Central America. I'm not trying to put her down, but the fact that she was still so visibly upset over something that turned out to be a minor incident shows that the stress, worry, and loneliness she must feel every single day are causing her trauma. If she's unhappy with this life there's absolutely no shame in not continuing- and Derick needs to realize that too!

    1. Thank you for putting that so well. The effects of cumulative trauma (living in daily fear, for example) can be traumatic, even if you chose the situation causing it.

  35. I agree with Shelly Swords. This is a free country last I checked. If you don't like the show turn it off! I for one love it.. I do the the repetitive clips are an insult to a regular viewer. I still watch, I believe and respect a lot of what they stand for. Women and Men that respect themselves and others.

  36. A free country also means you can speak out against something. The Duggars certainly take advantage of that freedom to speak publicly about what disapprove of.

  37. 21 years ago they did a one time 20 week ultrasound and found twins. I was young and healthy like Jeasa and they had no idea that was coming. Six weeks later I was in the hospital in bed rest until 31 weeks and my water broke. I thought everyone got early ultrasounds now back then the practice I went to only had one machine

    1. The practice was only 1 ultrasound per pregnancy. My first child---at 38-39 weeks; 2nd child---7 weeks, because I was spotting; 3rd child---around 20 weeks; 4th child---15-16 weeks--I found out I was pregnant. My 4th child was born in 2000, and the procedure was still 1 ultrasound per pregnancy; any more would be too risky.


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