Due to the nature of this incident and the misrepresentation of information that is likely to occur, we encourage you to exercise caution when reading about the allegations against Josh Duggar on other websites.
Please keep the Duggar family in your prayers during this time. Based on more than 200 episodes of the Duggars' reality TV show, the positive impact the family has made on millions of people across the globe, and the statements that PEOPLE released last night (see our previous blog post), as well as our own personal interactions with the family, it is clear that Josh Duggar sought forgiveness and guidance years ago and is now following God.
News about the incidents involving Josh, which occurred 12 years ago, was communicated to the public by a media outlet, who had obtained police reports from the Springdale Police Department, this week. When other news organizations requested the same reports, the Springdale Police Department stated that the records had since been expunged. Because of the nature of the incident, the reports should not have been released by the Springdale Police Department.
In his resignation letter to Family Research Council, Josh Duggar expressed deep regret that recent media reports about a dark time during his young teenage years have brought negative attention to the organization.
FRC Action's mission to fortify the traditional foundations of civil society is more important now than ever before, and I'm heartbroken that any attention has been diverted from these noble causes to my wrong actions as a young teenager. I am so thankful for God's grace, forgiveness and redemptive heart that allowed me to transform into a man of faith and testimony. In good faith I cannot allow Family Research Council to be impacted by mistakes I made as a teenager, so I am resigning as Executive Director of FRC Action.
Josh also requested prayer for himself and Anna as they seek to "discover the next chapter of [their] lives." (More on PEOPLE.com)
Photo courtesy of duggarfamily.com
Please keep the Duggar family in your prayers during this time. Based on more than 200 episodes of the Duggars' reality TV show, the positive impact the family has made on millions of people across the globe, and the statements that PEOPLE released last night (see our previous blog post), as well as our own personal interactions with the family, it is clear that Josh Duggar sought forgiveness and guidance years ago and is now following God.
News about the incidents involving Josh, which occurred 12 years ago, was communicated to the public by a media outlet, who had obtained police reports from the Springdale Police Department, this week. When other news organizations requested the same reports, the Springdale Police Department stated that the records had since been expunged. Because of the nature of the incident, the reports should not have been released by the Springdale Police Department.
In his resignation letter to Family Research Council, Josh Duggar expressed deep regret that recent media reports about a dark time during his young teenage years have brought negative attention to the organization.
FRC Action's mission to fortify the traditional foundations of civil society is more important now than ever before, and I'm heartbroken that any attention has been diverted from these noble causes to my wrong actions as a young teenager. I am so thankful for God's grace, forgiveness and redemptive heart that allowed me to transform into a man of faith and testimony. In good faith I cannot allow Family Research Council to be impacted by mistakes I made as a teenager, so I am resigning as Executive Director of FRC Action.
Josh also requested prayer for himself and Anna as they seek to "discover the next chapter of [their] lives." (More on PEOPLE.com)
Photo courtesy of duggarfamily.com
Thank you for being so honest. I know that it was hard to do. Although I'm saddened that it happened, I will not be one to judge. That is ultimately God. Praying that God will continue to be with each of you.......
ReplyDeleteAmen, Jena! I couldn't agree more!
DeleteI am glad there are still people who care about people's feelings. May God bless you for what you wrote Jema Sanchez. And may God bless the Duggars as they are going though this hard time. BRING BACK THE DUGGARS!
DeleteI agree. All of the people that are throwing stones need to look at their own lives first.there was only one person on earth that was without sin, and yet he did not judge.
Deletec'est le passé, ceux qui veulent que l'émission soit retiré de l'horaire sont bien content, ils n'attendaient que cela. Moi je supporte les Duggars. Sorry, i can't translate that in englsh. Laissez Josh tranquille. Il avait 14 ans. on fait tous des erreurs a l'adolesence. Les " haters" ne cherchent que des moyens pour arrêter l'émission. il ne faut pas que 19 kids soit retiré de l'horaire
ReplyDeleteJe voulais simplement le traduire pour vous : It's the past. Those who want the show taken off the air are happy now. Me, I support the Duggars. Sorry I can't translate that in English. Leave Josh be. He was 14 years old. We all make mistakes during adolescence. The haters are only looking for ways to stop the show. 19 Kids does not need to be taken off the air.
DeleteI support the Duggars. If Josh is truly repentant, which it sounds like he is, I think the fact that his family has forgiven him long ago should be enough for everyone else. He was a child, and although he did something truly disgusting, I don't feel like he should be punished years down the road. I do want to add that the tabloid reporter who dug this up in order to gleefully expose a scandal should be the one who needs to be punished. They exposed the victims in the report, who now have to relive this. That is what I think is inexcusable. I hope TLC doesn't cancel the show, the Duggars have been a real inspiration to many people.
ReplyDeleteYou have made an important point. The reason we have a juvenile system is to give kids a chance to turn away from immoral impukses fueled by youth and hormones. For the sake of all of the people involved, this should never have been released. Their privacy has been greatly abused i seriously doubt that this information would have been released if the Duggars were supportive of gay marriage. From what I have read on the internet there is a deep animosity for the family because of their Christian faith. Not sure this is very different than the attack on the florist, the baker, and others we have read about who have followed their moral beliefs, which are contrary to current push to silence people of faith who hold to traditional standards. Thankfully, this is a family of faith and they will not have to walk through this alone. We should pray for the family, as this will likely be a very difficult time for them. With God's grace they will recover and come through an intact family.
DeleteWhen you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.
ReplyDeleteIsaiah 43:2
Praying for the Duggar Family. Please know that your family is an inspiration to the world even while walking through real trials.
Those without sin cast the first stone.
ReplyDeleteThis incident about Josh 12 years ago should of never reached the public. For heavens sake leave the past in the past. Josh is a better man and he knows what he did was wrong. I do not like that TLC took the show off, I am very sad. I love your family.
ReplyDeleteThe thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy...John 10:10
DeletePraying for them!
ReplyDeleteAt age 15 I am sure you were doing things as your body and mind are curious just like everyone else in the world. Hang in there! I personally Love to watch 19 Kids and Counting! You all will get through this.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me, that there is a handful of people that dig and dig and dig just to have another attempt to undermine the success of the Dugger Family. God bless you all and finally one more thing. when people look for skeltons they are not guarding their door and it is surprising what falls out of the closet. Bottom line is STAY STRONG NOBODYS PERFECT.
ReplyDeleteAlready praying for Josh and Anna!
ReplyDeleteSex Abuse is horrendous for the children being molested- especially if done by siblings who are supposed to protect each other. Sex Abuse - no matter age committed- has physical and emotional consequences that can last a lifetime - with or without counseling by a professional; not family friend. Only God knows who is truly repentant and forgiven. I pray the victims and Josh's children do not suffer any longer.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear that your show is off the air,no family is perfect.You are in my prayers &God bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI pray that TLC puts your show back on tv. I watch it every time it is on. I have learned that all people in this world should not have even been told about Josh because he was under age and as the police department said it had been expunged. This means that if you are doing good things to help yourself love the lord their will always be someone who tries to destroy a God fearing family. Just so they can sell papers for money. The evil in this world creeps into every family at one time or another thank you for being a real family and not a scripted show. The prayers you say on TV have been attacked at one time or another but when you pray I pray too. God is love and he will help you get through this ordeal too. Love you all.
ReplyDeleteYour family is in my prayers. I wish I had the words, but I don't. Times like these are when media can prey and try to destroy what you have built. We are all sinners and fortunately we have an amazing God that forgives us over and over again. My best wishes to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteOur family has your family in our prayers during this difficult time , the whole family loved watching the Duggars and pray it will be back on the air again
ReplyDeleteHe did wrong, should have been honest and up front with all who follow them. They should be off the air, I'm sorry.
ReplyDeleteAs a victim of child molestation, I find Josh's honesty a sure sign that God is going to work through this situation!! The man who molested me several times has always denied it ever happened! I was 8 years old....but no one believed me! I will be praying for you all during this time. God likes to work when NOTHING else will!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt really makes me sad to see this family so underfire over something that Josh did as a CHILD..Jim Bob & Michelle you are a shinning example of what we should all feel and practice as a parent and a family, your childern seems to be honest beautiful people you have done a better job raising 19 kids than most of us do with 2 or 3. So I pledge to you that if they remove your show from TLC over this I will NEVER watch another program that put on the air and I will try and get my friends and family to do the same...we all sin and fall short of the Glory of God but the amazing part is that God forgives and loves us no matter what. I am sorry this is happening to you I will continue to follow your and your beautiful family!!!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he was ever molested and if so by who.
ReplyDeleteWow, what an overwhelming response for your family. It is sometimes very sad the things kids do. But it does sound like Josh has learned from this ordeal and has grown from it. I will not be one to cast a stone! So glad for the Duggar family in rallying together. Shame on TLC for running so fast. There is so much trash on TV and this is an awesome show. Things happen and they took responsibility for this and took corrective actions. Stay strong!
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for your family. The media should not have exposed this. Everyone sins and your son was a child when this happened. He repented and God forgave him. I truly hope to see you back on TLC.
ReplyDeleteThe only judge for what Josh did is God. Josh asked for forgiveness from God, repeatedly. I wish people stop doing God's work and leave it up to Him, to be the one and only judge. TLC is making a big mistake by taking the Duggers off the network. God's Blessing to the entire Dugger family.
ReplyDeletePraying without ceasing for Josh & Anna, Michelle & Jim Bob and the whole Duggar family. I have never met you in person, but I feel very close to your family and this hurts me too. Josh was a young teenager when this happened and God has forgiven him a long time ago. Your family is doing so much good (Josh too) I guess Satan is attacking. Stay strong and know that we still love you and respect you.
ReplyDeleteThose who stand WITHOUT sin, let him cast the first stone! (John 8:7)
ReplyDeletePrayers for all involved.
ReplyDeleteNo one is prefect and no one has the right to judge anyone else. God is the only judge. I love the show
ReplyDeleteI am a 68 almost 69 year old grandmother of 11. I have faithfully watched your program and will miss not having something decent to watch during the day and evening. My bible verse for this year is Jeremiah 29:11.
ReplyDeleteFor I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.
Hold on to these words.
This was a private matter that was handled and resolved by the family and should have never been made public. I am truly disgusted at how far people will go to defame someone. There is no family without skeletons in their closets and yet those are the first to condemn. I really wish TLC would reconsider pulling the show or at least have a show with Jill/Derick & Jessa/Ben. I looked forward to watching 19 Kids every week and will really miss it! God Bless Josh & the entire Duggar family!
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for the family, they have to relive this when they thought they could move past it already. We should not be the ones to judge Josh but we should also not excuse what he did because of developing hormones. The report is pretty clear that he harmed the victims in a manner that is not normal for a hormonal teenager. If they are using the show as a ministry for the Lord then they should not have any secrets that would jeopardize the good works that they are doing.
ReplyDeleteThat which the devil meant for harm God is going to turn into good. Sincerely in prayer for your family. Joshua, don't revisit the past and don't let it make a stronghold of torment in your mind. You are a new creature in Christ Jesus. I feel you are being persecuted because Satan is afraid of what you will do for Christ's Kingdom. But Satan always loses.
ReplyDeleteSince Josh was a child at the time, this should never have been released. While his actions were inappropriate, he still just a child. He is a responsible husband and father now and should not be be persecuted. I hope this wholesome show stays on the air.
ReplyDeleteSince he was a minor child ar the time I can't believe the police released that information to the public. For some reason I thought those records were sealed at 18!! I support them. No one is perfect except in GODS eyes
ReplyDeleteI have made horrible mistakes in my past and still have to deal with the consequences of those actions. I have worked hard to improve my life and seek forgiveness from the ones that I have hurt.
ReplyDeleteIt is not the ones that I hurt in the past who try to hurt me now for my mistakes, but outsiders who only know what they think they know.
I pray Josh will be able to find the peace he needs while re-living the mistake he made so many years ago.
Hang in there Josh and Anna and family members. We have all made mistakes and God forbid we would have to be judged by any other than a forgiving God. God Bless and keep you all.
ReplyDeleteJesus said, our sins are as far as from the east is from the west. If you have ask forgiveness, that is all that is required. We are not your judge. Your family's show has made a postive impact on many people's lives. When God is doing a good work, satan is gonna try his best to try and destroy it. Hang in there, God will work this out also. Remember, Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Praying for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteJosh I will be in prayer for you and your family but especially for your sisters. I know we make mistakes and God forgives but their are consequences of our sins that we have to live the rest of our lives with. I don't know how you got your position with FRC with your background. What disturbs me thoughts is that nothing has been said about your sisters the victims. victem of sexual abuse myself committed by my brother I can only imagine what those girls have gone thru. As I said I will be praying for you.
ReplyDeletePraying for all of you. Will certainly miss your show. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteGod has a greater plan than we can see right now... We will be praying for you and your family that many doors will open for you to carry on your Ministry... God bless you Josh and your family ..
ReplyDeleteJosh said: "I understood that if I continued down this wrong road that I would end up ruining my life.". What about the lives of his victims??
ReplyDeleteNo one is perfect, what Josh did was horrible. He will be forgiven, however we forgot about the girls involved. Has the girls got therapy? Have they forgiven Josh?
ReplyDeleteLet sleeping dogs lie! People like to judge but, should take out the plank in their own eye. Many are praying. Our God is faithful. Love your program. Very inspiring.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for what your family is going thru. We are praying for God's direction as you seek His will on where to go/what to do next. May you feel His strength & unconditional love during this time. Sorry that Satan is using people to try and tear you & your family apart. We wrestle not against flesh & blood...but against principalities & powers...
ReplyDeleteYou yourself were still a child!! My thoughts an prayers are with. You an your family
ReplyDeleteMichelle and Jim Bob has raised an awesome family with love and grace let no one take that away . We love all of your family
ReplyDeleteDo you haters not have anything else to do? Get a life!
ReplyDeleteWe know we all have need of God's forgiveness
thank you for sharing your lives, josh was a child at this time and now hateful media wants their moment in the spotlight. please keep this blog going as i need my 'digger fix" THANK YOU AND JOSH & ANNA.........PLEASE STAY STRONG
ReplyDeletePraying for the family and those hurt.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for all of you. I hope to see you all on tv soon. We all have challenges in our family and in our children. I pray for you as I hope you pray for me. I would miss your family very much if you did not return. Take care
ReplyDeleteHaters gona hate!
ReplyDeleteThe duggars are an amazing family and I'm deeply saddened that something from so long ago that was already dealt with would resurface and cause so much pain all for the sake of "a story." I pray that Josh will find a job soon and strength for Anna as she supports him. I will miss the Duggars and their wisdom and having something wholesome to watch on tv with my kids.
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine the heartbreak and mental anguish your family is suffering at this time. Poor decisions and judgments are made by teenagers in every family, they just don't make the evening news. I only recently became acquainted with your show but find it uplifting and inspirational amidst most reality programming. Live within the Peace that is your testimony, and remember that all things work together...
ReplyDeletePraying for Josh, Anna and the entire Duggar family. Your faith and family will get you through this difficult time. And to all those casting stones, just remember one thing, karma!
ReplyDeleteI have seen so many negative comments on FB and other new media. I think Jim Bob and Michelle did what they thought was best at the time for their son and the girls. I hope they did get some counseling at that time. I can see why people don't realize most parents would not turn their child in to law enforcement. He was young, a kid. He did wrong but it was handled in the family. And I do feel for the girls I am sure it was awful for them. Praying for the family
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with the family as well as my support. This was an act committed by a minor and should have not been released to the public for the sake of all those involved. Help was also sought for all who were involved. God's forgiveness is available to all. I pray God continues to bless your family and keep them in this time.
ReplyDeleteRomans 8:31 if God be for us, who can be against us? Remember Matthew 11:28-30 take God's yoke upon you for his yoke is easy and find rest unto your souls. I love The Duggar family and am hurting and heartbroken with you. I am praying for you. I love you, God loves you more.
ReplyDeleteThis happened in the past, when Josh was a teenager. This never should've reached the public. Josh has turned his life completely around. My prayers are with him, and his entire family.
ReplyDeleteIf this was already dealt with 12 years ago, long before the series even began, I don't even understand why they are pulling it. It is the PAST. Why aren't the authorities looking into who was responsible for this leaking? That's where the real problem lies.
ReplyDeleteI too, also thankful for God's infinite grace and forgiveness. We love you guys and fully support this awesome family and the show.
ReplyDeleteYou have more support than you know, Josh remember your still a good man. Don't let this change you.
ReplyDeleteMany prayers said for you last night & today, love you all
ReplyDeleteSo SAD for your family!!! Our prayers for all of you! Please know we support you!!
ReplyDeleteWhat Satan meant for evil, God will use for good. May God bless this family. TLC please keep the series in your schedule.
ReplyDeleteTo Jim Bob, Michelle and the entire Duggar family, know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sorry that you are all going through this. Jim Bob and Michelle, you are wonderful parents and have a beautiful family. It saddens me that they have pulled the show. What the devil tries to steal and destroy, God uses for His goodness and Glory. Stay strong, know that you have a lot of people praying for you, supporting you and lifting you up.
ReplyDeleteIn God's perfect love,
Brenda Eaves
I so enjoy your show and your family is in my prayers. I do so enjoy and I hope that the show will stay on the air, let the public decide if the show should stay on by the ratings, if there is a petition please put on the web site
ReplyDeleteSo many people these days find some wicked satisfaction in watching others fall, and yet will not be there to support when the fallen find the strength and resilience to stand tall and carry on. I love all of you. Michelle, it is because of you - your voice is the personification of LOVE - that I sought and found my path to Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Please know that you and your family have the love and support of so many. xo T
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know that we are a homeschooling family from the Northeast that loves watching your show. Your girls are great role models for my daughters and I really appreciate that. I have also read some of your books, and I have thoroughly enjoyed them. As to your current struggles, please know that most level-headed people will not condemn Josh and the entire family for some mistakes that were made during the tumultuous teenage years. Very few of us are fortunate enough to get through without some scars and regrets. The vitriol and twisting of facts being spewed by the media right now is very discouraging, but please know you have the continued love, support and prayers of my family and many others throughout the country. Michelle's mantra: "Where God guides, God provides" has been an encouragement to me. I'm praying God will continue to guide you through this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for everyone.But what everyone is forgetting about.Is the five young victims.The children that he molested.Those are the people that I am really praying for.I was molested.An for the people that have been molested.They have to live with what happen to them.For the rest of our lives.I changes you for ever.You are never the same afterwards.I know how they all feel.
ReplyDeletePraying fervently for the Duggars.
ReplyDeleteIt breaks my heart that someone would be evil enough to dig up information to try and destroy such a beautiful family. I have been and will continue to pray for the Duggars in this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteSad to see how the media has trashed the Duggar family. Josh knows what he did was wrong and confessed. As far as I can see the family has not been living in the past. Why should anyone else?! It will be disappointing if the show does not go on. Praying for God's grace on their lives.
ReplyDeleteI was molested for years as a young girl, by an uncle. No one believed me, and eventually he died. I buried everything with him that day and do not dwell on the past. God is my strength. It did not change me, I am who I am. Some of us let it go, somelike to use it as an reason for their problems. God will give them strength.
ReplyDeleteForgiveness is your strength. I was also molested by my father and my young daughter was molested by a babysitter. Forgiveness changes everything, sometimes even the abuser.
DeleteWe're all human, we all do things that hurt others, unfortunately. I've had a rough life, molested and raped before age 15. I forgave him. People forget that ultimately we answer to God; and along the way we learn from our mistakes and repent. I've always loved the Duggars, I Pray they find comfort and strength in this difficult time.
ReplyDeleteJosh's record could only have been expunged if he turned himself around and never committed another crime. That is what he did. Springdale police and InTouch should be sued. This family has dedicated their life to God, wholesome family values, and to helping others, and others are jealous and want to knock them down. He who is without sin should cast the first stone.
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me?
ReplyDeleteMany are the affliction of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19.
ReplyDeleteLet any of you who have not sin throw a stone. John 8:7. If the Lord who made man and cleanse him from his unforgiving ways (every minute sin)and breathe life into him , who is man not to forgive his neighbor of yesterday's sin. Golden rule : DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WANT THEM DO TO YOU. Haters, may the Lord forgive you and show you how to love and forgive others. So, you will not fall into the pit you are digging for yourselves. If the Lord has forgiven, who is man to bring back the past. Don't fall into the wrath of God be careful how you make you comments and talk negative about God's people,. Let by gone be by gone.
I love the Duggars. The Lord is with you, do not be afraid. Wonders are coming your way, let the devils and his agents be dance in vain. God's children will prevail. May the peace of the Lord remain your portion in Jesus name.
It is well dear friends. I am with you in prayer. The devil and his agents are liars. People don't like things that inspires positively, they love sin and evil. Your show inspires me and love you Michelle, you are a super mom. May the Lord strengthen you all. It is a storm , it just a trial and it will pass. Love you all
ReplyDeleteI have a sneaky feeling that this info was only dug up because they are backing huckabee for president. They try so hard to bring Christian people down expecially when they have a large number of followers that could have a large influence on the out come of an election. This information should have be=n sealed because of his age.
ReplyDeleteGod never closes a door without opening another one. Trust in him and be strong and courageous and he will not let you down. I started watching your show while I was sick and had to sit most of the time and am impressed with your family. Anyone that has raised children have had challenges and you have remained strong through them. God bless you and keep you.
ReplyDeletePraying for you all. I hope that TLC doesn't cancel your show. I think you can show the world that God's love and forgiveness can bring you through whatever the world can throw at you. Jesus is bigger than all of this. (((Hugs)))
ReplyDeleteThe records were private someone leaked them to the news because of greed and i believe someone was trying to blackmail them and they refused to be a part of it. So the news got it annd in the hopes of ruining a good Christian family. Yes he did wrong, but he owned to it as soon as it hit the news instead of denying it. I think that takes bravery and commitment of faith. He could have denied it and tried to hide it but he didnt
ReplyDeleteSins of all kinds are against Christ and it is He that forgives. Can you imagine how many of our leaders, and including ourselves, would be left standing if we were not forgiven? Christ changes us mightily when we repent of our sins against Him.
ReplyDeleteI have no family. And when I watch u all I Imagine being part of a family as ure's. I know no family is perfect. Ure family seems 2 love each other so much. All u need is God & each other. C u Duggars in Heaven!!! :)
ReplyDelete@AnonymousI am a victim of rape myself and do understand how destructive it can be. I went for years struggling.Until one great day I found Gods forgiveness for my own sin.A short time later I heard a message about praying for our enemies. I was able to forgive and I have NEVER struggled a single minute after that. Anyone who has never received Gods forgiveness for themselves will not understand this situation with Josh.Praying God use this situation for good.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I wish professional counseling would have been sought for Josh, I am not going to pass judgment on anyone. I am confident that this family will pull through this just as strong as ever. It is another lesson we will learn from the Duggars... we can survive anything. Prayers and good intentions sent your way as you face these challenging times.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you live your life in the public eye.
ReplyDeleteI think what matters is not what Josh was, but who he is. From what I can tell is repentant and loves God. He made some big mistakes, but no one is perfect. Satan was and is trying to destroy the Duggars. What Satan did for bad, God can use for good. Josh has the opportunity to share what he went through to young teenagers who are molesting others and for those being molested.
ReplyDeleteI signed the petition to keep the duggars on the air through change.org.and support the family through this difficult time. Those without sin cast the first stone. As stated by many here, Josh has only One to answer to and has truly changed since he was a young boy. The record should never have become public. The show was about much more than sidehugs and making babies. We don't have to share everyone's beliefs. Please keep the show on the air.
ReplyDeleteJosh you have more proven that you are an upstanding citizen this vendetta is sickening i pray for you all, this is the actions of a very bitter person, you have my support and i truly hope that people see the truth that you are a good person with a very loving family.
ReplyDeleteJosh you have more proven that you are an upstanding citizen this vendetta is sickening i pray for you all, this is the actions of a very bitter person, you have my support and i truly hope that people see the truth that you are a good person with a very loving family.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Anonymous 31. Who would be left standing if we weren't forgiven? My heart has been so heavy since this report aired. I have been in continual prayer for the family. ALL of them and the other victim. It's so sad that anyone would feel it necessary to reveal something of this nature that is in the past and has been dealt with. I am tremendously sorry it happened at all, but the God, some of us serve, forgives and forgets. We should be striving to do the same if we want forgiveness for our own sins. I only hope something wonderful comes out of this. My prayers are with those who've been wounded,
ReplyDeleteand I hope not to lose sight of this amazing family. God be with you all.
Hang in there Josh, you will come out even stronger. God is with you.
ReplyDeletePraying for the Duggar family, for healing, for peace. ( note to Ben, I am a Catholic praying for each one of you)
ReplyDeleteI think Christianity is absolutely under fire. This would not be a big story had it occurred in a family with lackluster values.
ReplyDeleteToo many pass judgement. Who are we to do so. Only God can pass judgement.
ReplyDeleteThat is well said. No words can really be added.
I hope TLC doesn't cancel the show. I enjoy it so much and I would miss watching little Josie grow up. Josh and Anna have lived a Godly life and their children, his sisters and family doesn't deserve this. It smells like politics. Politics and religion doesn't mix, but politics and sex scandals do. I'm praying for everyone. Be strong.
ReplyDeleteYes, praying for the Girls and Family, and Your healing as well!
I know how You feel, why do people ignore the victims who live in fear and shame? It has taken many years for me even to trust God! It helped when I found that Jesus cares, Matthew 18 says the Children's Angels behold the face of our Father in Heaven! God Bless You!
My prayers are with you and your family. All of you have made a positive impact on so many people. God will be with all of you and bless you during these difficult times
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with your family at this difficult time. You are a strong Christian family and your faith and God will pull your family together to show a united front to all of the evil haters that are (in their own small minds) without sin. Many of us made mistakes in judgement in our teen years, and even in our adult lives, that we would go back and change if it were within our power. Unfortunately, we can’t undo the wrongs we’ve done, but with God's love and forgiveness we can try, and succeed in living better lives. Josh owned up to his mistakes, apologized to his victims, repented, was forgiven and turned his life around. Leave him alone!
ReplyDeleteI was sexually abused from age 8-13 by an uncle who raised me. He was not a teenager with normal raging hormones. He was an adult entrusted with providing me a home. His owning up to his abuse and apologizing, if he were truly repentant, (as I believe Josh is) would have meant so much. However, he never did and never will since he is deceased now. I never told because I felt no one would believe me since he was a respected member of society. As the saying goes, "What goes on behind closed doors..." It happens more often than one could comprehend; without regard to religion, race, sexual orientation or gender.
As for, the so-called cover-up, I think Jim Bob and Michelle acted appropriately. I do not, in the least, think they had no concern or regard for the girls, as many have implied. I think most parents would have reacted in the same way they did. To call Josh a pedophile is ridiculous and ludicrous. His abuse did not carry over into his adult life!
The trash tabloids should be ashamed for the harm they have done to your family. The records should have been expunged since Josh was underage when the abuse happened. Some greedy person released those records for their own gain and have caused a firestorm of self-righteous, hypocrites to get on their high-horses to bash Christianity and to bring your family down.
To all of the Duggars, I stand with you. You have a beautiful family and are an inspiration to many of us. I don’t think I have missed an episode of your program and I will miss watching your family grow in size and in love. I cannot imagine having 19 children, but I admire and support your choice to do so. You have touched so many lives. Hold your heads up high. Show them what a class act your entire family is. I have never met any of you, but have grown to love each and every one of you, including your television crew.
9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.
Praying for your family, that this will make you stronger and that the Joy of the LORD will be your strength!
ReplyDeleteWhy is TLC, bowing down to hateful public opinion. He stood up, admitted his sin, changed to be a better man, as best he can. We are born with sin even O'prah. The sins of the father will be upon there children even unto the third and forth generation. Why cancel the show. I really enjoyed watching them. Please bring the show back.
ReplyDeleteThis is the link to sign a petition to KEEP THE DUGGARS ON THE AIR! Please sign every signature helps!
is there a family in the world that doesn't have some kind of family secret that they are ashamed - I don't think so - it tells me that they are not perfect and that they learn how to overcome adversities - and I think Josh is truly sorry for his actions. PLEASE DON'T CANCEL THE SHOW
ReplyDeleteNo one on earth is punishing the Duggar, but God is the only one to take this family down. This is what happening if you use God name to make money. And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple of God. Matthew 21:12
ReplyDeleteI believe in forgiveness...I believe the records should have been sealed...but....why did the parents let this continue after one incident with one of their other children? Did they find about all 4 girls at the same time? My concern is more for these girls than Josh. They are the main concern here not Josh. I hope they received the counseling they needed. Now let me ask...if Josh molested your daughter would you be so willing to let this go and for the show to continue? I loved the show but now my opinion of the family has changed drastically. Not because this has happened. More so that is wasn't addressed and let the public know just how molestation affects the entire family and more so the victims. My prayers go to all.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Duggar Family. Unfortunately there are people in this world who haven't learned even Christians aren't perfect. Although they get judged harder than anyone else. I don't know what happened and don't agree with any type of abuse these are Josh sins he must answer to God for them and he has. I don't see anyone walking on water here. Thank you for your show I hope tlc decided not to sit in judgement because only God is suppose to do that. Christians know that.
ReplyDeleteI agree with "Anonymous 2:18". Prayers for you all. As Jesus said "He who is without sin cast the first stone".
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... 59 well said!
ReplyDeleteI understand Christians are not perfect, but why is it ok for them to cast the first stone and bash gays who are God's children as well. They are just living their lives and aren't touching little kids! This is what bothers me the most....live and let live.
ReplyDeleteI am deeply disturbed that TLC has pulled the show. Sure people make mistakes, we were all born into a sinful world. Should we look into the background of the people behind the scenes at TLC and see if they are all squeaky clean. This family and this show was a refreshment from watching much of the filth on the other channels that they don't seem to air even during early hours when children watch them. I am going to be very likely not watching any of the other programming that TLC will air if they are going to be so closed minded. Thank goodness for facebook where we can keep up with the family. Prayers to all the Duggers.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for the family. Josh what are you going to do now for work. I think this stinks. I hope the best.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad God is a forgiving God. I do think they should have been upfront with the information. It's hard be a teenager and the emotions that come along with being a young man. It is not for me to judge so as for me I hope the family finds peace.
ReplyDeleteThis show helped me through a time of loss. It brought me closer to god and made me want to be a better Christian. I have sinned, I have made mistakes but I am a better Christian and person for them. As is josh, for growing and learning and seeking god during such a dark time. Your family is in my prayers, I'm so sorry your family has to relive such an awful.time.
ReplyDeleteDuggar family, you all are in my prayers. I wish I could offer more but, all I have to give is my love, my prayers and my sincerest gratitude! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSara Spence
Stilwell, Oklahoma
God will open a new door for you Josh and your family
ReplyDeleteI am a 60 years old and ever time i watch 19 kids and counting it makes me feel happy inside that there is a family in our lives that shows all of us what a real family is all about.So we all
ReplyDeletehave skeletons in our closets and the only one that has the right to judge isn't here with us so leave that to God.Amen
ReplyDeleteWent to town a bit with the answer but I totally agree
Please know that our thoughts are prayers are with your family at this time. I thank God that HE is merciful and forgives ANY sinner if he/she repents and asks for forgiveness. Praise GOD! This cruel world does not understand a fresh start or a 'clean slate' that the Lord provides for His broken children. The children of this world talk about 'Christian' judgment, but they are more unforgiving than anyone. I pray too that the Lord will soften their hearts. Please accept my spiritual hug and support for everyone in your family. God bless you all.