Saturday, November 1, 2014

Jessa and Ben Forgo the Kiss

As the wedding ceremony came to a close this afternoon and Pastor Mike Schadt introduced Jessa and Ben Seewald as a married couple, guests were shocked at what came next. Or, should we say, what didn't come next.

There was no kiss at the altar. The newlyweds ran out of the sanctuary in Bentonville, Arkansas, to have their first kiss in private. Pastor Schadt then proceeded to tell the crowd that Jessa and Ben had made that decision on their own, based on counsel they received from Schadt.

Pastor Schadt encouraged Jim Bob and Michelle to demonstrate a "Duggar kiss," and they obliged.

Jessa and Ben also went against traditional wedding protocol by serving ice cream sundaes instead of wedding cake. And Jessa's bridal gown was a blush tone instead of white. She purchased her dress from Tesori Bridal in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Click here for more wedding details and here for a recap of the rehearsal dinner.

More details at


  1. I appreciate their decison. It makes much more sense...

  2. I love that Ben and jessa didn't do the traditional wedding..congratulations

  3. Good for them! I've also thought that having a first kiss televised, and in front of a crowd would be absolutely humiliating! While I don't personally practice a religion that bars kissing before marriage, if I did, I would absolutely do what they did. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think a personal moment like a first kiss should be private.

  4. I think the first kiss should be private... what a great idea. May God bless your family and new union.

  5. cant wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. God bless them. I'm excited to see photos.

  7. Why did they have their first kiss in privare. I love the show 19 kids and counting because it shows how people live different types of families

  8. She looks stunning!
    Does anyone know if Jill and Derrick's Wedding will go on the internet or netflix? Also Lily and Ellie Will you put a photo of Jessa and Ben on the header?

    thanks for providing such an amazing blog! LOVE THE DUGGARS!

  9. Will we see their "Private" Kiss on the show?????

  10. That is so awesome and sweet! What a testament to their relationship and covenant.

  11. Good for you two! Making your own decision and not doing something just because it's expected of you. May the Lord bless your marriage!

  12. I am suprised that they broke the tradition of kissing when they are pronounced husband and wife but at the same time I am sure that it made it so much sweeter and more intimate for them to share their first kiss with just them 2...wouldn't be suprised if future siblings make that same decision. and I loveeee her dress! congrats to the happy couple!❤️

  13. I love how Jessa and Ben have done their own thing and made this wedding their own - as I am sure they will do with their marriage. I know they have received criticism from comments on this blog and many have said they seem too young or immature to be entering into a marriage, but I wish them all the best and hope others join me in that. I am sure, away from the cameras, they have received much counsel from both sets of parents and others, and would not enter into this lightly. I have no doubts that they will work hard at this marriage and work through the good times and the bad times for a very fulfilling life together. Similarly, I am sure none of their parents would approve of this union if they thought either Jessa or Ben would cheat, be violent, commit crime or be a bad influence in other ways. It is so nice to hear that they were able to have their first kiss in private - a hugely intimate and nervy moment - and I wish them the very best for their honeymoon and whatever the future holds.

  14. I think it's special having your first kiss in private. My husband and I did the same thing, and I don't regret it.
    Jessa looks beautiful and so happy. It is wonderful to see God bring two people together as one that love Him.

  15. Note to Lily and Ellie ... looks like it's time to update Jessa's photo in your blog banner. Can't wait to see an image of Ben and Jessa now that he has joined the Duggar family. Love your website and always enjoy the timely photos.

  16. Wow, that is so unique! I Love the fact that they shared their first kiss in private! May God richly bless you in your life together as husband and wife. You are a beautiful couple!

  17. Good for them. Break tradition, and have a little bit of privacy.

  18. whatever you may think of this your business. But they demonstrate wholesome religious values that are missing in so many families today. I say "Hoorah" for them and how they have survived ridicule....they are a blessing to look up to.

  19. I don't blame them one bit! I would want my first kiss with the one I love to be a private and intimate thing also!

  20. I'm just old-fashioned I guess. Very disappointing that there was no first kiss at the altar. All the same I wish Jessa and Ben every happiness.

  21. Awesome! I love it when brides and grooms do it their way instead of everyone else's way. Good for them!

  22. Congrats! Happy for you both. That's cool that you saved the first kiss for just the two of you in private. Then,kissed in front of everyone at your reception.

  23. for there first time kissing i can appreciate them wanting privacy!

  24. Congratulations Jessa and Ben! Beautiful picture of a beautiful couple.


  25. Congratulations! Mr.and Mrs. Seewald!

  26. I think that is wonderful. Good for them!

  27. So special bless you in your marriage journey, I wish I could know your family, what a great leagecy you're leaving on our world!

  28. Good for you Jessa and Ben!

  29. I think it's wonderful, every one is different. A lot of people worry about all the extras, when the true reason for gathering is to whitness two people in love committing their live long vows to each other. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Seewald!! I wish you both a long and blessed life with each other.

  30. Any word on where they might live? Close to the Duggar's or move closer to the Seawald's?

  31. Will the wedding be televised next season?

  32. Congratulations to Ben and Jessa. Good for them for doing what they wanted for the wedding and reception!

  33. Good on them for keeping their first kiss private :). I, personally find it awkward when people kiss in public.

  34. How sweet and romantic :)

  35. Congratlution to the both of you on your. Wedding day

  36. Good for them……a first kiss SHOULD be private!

  37. What exactly IS a Duggar kiss? That seems kind of odd to me.

  38. I am pleased that Jessa and Ben made there wedding their own and now what the world thought should be. Congrats to them and may they have many years of happiness.

  39. Very proud of Ben and Jessa for making this very personal decision. Their whole lives are on TV and in the media (mostly) and I think it's very admirable that they wanted to keep this intimate moment private. Congrats you two! Prayers for a happy, fulfilled life!

  40. This is delightful!!!! GOD BLESS THEM...WONDERFUL JUST WONDERFUL

  41. Will the episode show ben and jessa's first kiss in private?

  42. Wow, That's a creative idea! and the kiss is something that is very special, Love the show and love how modest you all are. Take care and God Bless you all

  43. congratulations to the happy couple

  44. Jesse is beautiful in her blush gown and they look so happy. May God bless you as you begin your journey as husband and wife.

  45. Thats .... different. But it sounds like it was a very pretty wedding:)

  46. God Bless you both

  47. That is actually a very good idea........

    IT takes good courage to change the tide of social things that happen.

  48. Congrats Jessa & Ben! Praying God will bless your home! :)

  49. Congratulations Jessa and Ben. May you have a long and happy life, filled with family and friends.

  50. Congratulations! Good for to kiss in private and savor that moment. You are a beautiful couple. Your dress is gorgeous, and great color choice.

  51. Being different is wonderful, being private , even better............

  52. How long until we see the wedding on TV?

  53. I completely agree with Jessa and Ben on the kiss being private, it really should be private. All the emphasis constantly on them being admonished not to kiss makes the first kiss in front of 2 thousand people like a display show at a circus and not a cherished moment. The constant needling not to kiss by JB and constant kissing in front of them by JB like a teasing, especially makes the first kiss by them a gift to each other and not to the public nor their parents. In strict Orthodox Judaism we too do not kiss nor even touch at all before the marriage, and we do not kiss until we have walked back down the aisle and into a private room. But because we do not touch at all while dating, our parents do not have to remind us ever about it, nor do our parents have to rib us about it. The whole issue is treated very modestly, and parents don't smooch constantly in front of the dating couple because that would be considered teasing and embarrassing. Ben and Jessa deserve a medal for how gracious and respectful they have been, and deserve much happiness and much deserved privacy and respect for their independence as a married couple. I hope they were given as nice a house as nice furnishings as Jill. I wish them much happiness in their marriage!

  54. I think your family is wonderful. We have been Christians and ministering for over 30 years. I have three sons. One is with Cru, has three daughters, 1 is recently divorced with a wonderful, sweet 4 year old son and the other will marry next year. We live in this world and it has harsh consequences at times. I only hope the best for your children. The key is to pray pray pray for them, I am sure you do.

  55. Good for them--I hope these couples have their own lives and traditions and not just follow everything Jim Bob would like for them to do--they are smart and intelligent and can bring much good from their own perspectives and experiences! Good for Jessa and Ben!

  56. Umm... I love how Jessa liked to do things different, but doesn't a non-white dress mean that the bride is already pregnant? Scary thought.

  57. Congratulations to the newlyweds. May your life be long and full of happiness.

  58. Good for them. The alter kiss is awkward and I did not want to do it at my wedding either!

  59. Is Pastor Schdat the same one who travels with them to SouthAmerica? Way to go ladies, your sure on top of things.I wasnt expecting pictures so soon, thanks!

  60. Congrats Jessa and Ben hope you have as many happy years as your mom and dad. Also let God bfe your guide as far as choosing not too kiss on the alter i respect that.. and their privacy good luck

  61. Woohoo I love blush wedding dresses AND ice cream sundaes. I'll probably nix the kiss myself, mainly because traditional Catholics don't normally do that anyway. Congrats, you look beautiful! Enjoy the honeymoon

  62. Jessa and Ben!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I went to a wedding at my church today in Mount Airy NC and I thought about you and Ben walking down the aisle also. I love that you broke from tradition and had exactly the wedding you wanted!!!!! That is what makes you both so special!!!!! Love to you and your families!!!!! Now let the Sweetness and Love grow daily in your lives!!!! God Bless!!!!

  63. Very proud of what all of you stand for. It is so nice to have a show on TV where people still have values!

  64. Good for them! I've always felt uncomfortable knowing I was seeing their first kiss. I think they are right, that should be in private! I'm glad they aren't afraid to do things theiR own way!

  65. Her makeup looks beautiful, very natural.Did she forego shoes also, and did they run down the isle as the Dillards did?

  66. Wow! Lily and Ellie are on the ball.Hey TLC take notes...that how you do it.

  67. That is SOOOOOOO cool!!!!! I think I will do that on my wedding!! Congrats Jessa and Ben!!!

  68. Congratulations and bravo for keeping your first expression of intimacy private. It only seems right. I often felt it wasn't right for a first time. Love your blush gown. You deserved White but glad you didn't feel in bondage to tradition. God be with you and your fine looking husband and the family he has planned for you.

  69. To God Be The Glory For The Things He Has Done.!!!

  70. Congratulations Ben and Jessa! Wishing many blessed years together of love and happiness!

  71. congratulations and God bless Mr & Mrs Seewald! I'm glad to see they are already living their lives as they want and not how society things they should.

  72. She looked so beautiful! I'm not surprised that they saved their kiss for private....I think it's so cute! I can't wait to see more of the dress and other pics. Congratulations!!!

  73. Nothing wrong with making your own choices! Best Wishes to the beautiful couple!!

  74. I think some of these 1st kisses at the alter are so awkward so I can understand them wanting privacy. But with that said it is also awkward and a little sad they couldn't share a simple kiss at the alter on their wedding day.

  75. One more question, I know you are probably bombarded with tons. Did Ben see the bride before the ceremony like Jill did? I hope not, i like that tradition.Did they cry? Oops, i fibbed that was two questions.:-)

  76. When will they release more photos?

  77. When they pronounced husband and wife, did they at least do a frontal hug? When can we see afull standing up pic of the dress?

  78. There hasn't been much said about Jessa and her wedding for a long time. Which church in Bentonville was the wedding held?

  79. I like it. I think it's great that they make their own decisions and "buck" a reasonable way of course. :)

  80. I wish you both the best and god bless you both in your new life Kym Collins

  81. Congratulations, Ben & Jessa

  82. I love this family so much and enjoy watching them all grow up . God Bless all of you and congrads to Derick and Jill and Ben and Jessa ,I wish you all the best in life and many children to love . Thanks for Being The Loving Family that you are and we just love everything about you.

  83. Good for them! I think it's lovely that they saved their first moment of intimacy for when they were alone, a special moment just for the two of them. I wish them all the best! Congratulations to the happy couple!

  84. Congrats Ben and Jessa I pray that God will bless you marriage and future family together. So cool that you both decided that your first kiss would be in private.

  85. That's awesome! I wouldn't want my first kiss to be in front of 1,000 people either! It's such an intimate moment.

  86. Congratulations to Jessa and Ben!! Wish you a happy and healthy life together.

  87. Let me guess, they kissed in the back of the church , but actually had a hidden camera that they knew was there to capture the first kiss for guests and viewers of the show? Please answer if TLC film crews caught the first kiss on hidden camera. I hope the guests loved ice cream instead of the traditional cake. Did Jessa and Ben spoon feed each other their ice cream, kinda like hand or fork feeding cake to the bride to her groom and groom to his bride. Can't wait for next season (Season 15) next Spring to watch the wedding. Hopefully Jessa didn't do the same thing and see Ben, even in her dress, before the ceremony the way Jill did with Derick before their wedding almost five months ago. I really thought it was terrible she broke tradition and saw the groom in her dress before the ceremony.

  88. I really hope these two are mature enough for this! Blessings!

  89. Good for them. I am glad that they decide to be more personal with there first kiss. It shows the control they have for each other and how they will grow with there feels for each other.

  90. Good for them, I am happy they kept their first kiss private. Many blessings to them as they share and grow their love for each other. Loved the dress. God Bless.

  91. A wedding is not about the first kiss... it is about the commitment of oneness.
    The first kiss was something Jessa and Ben saved for each other until they became man and wife.
    I don't think it is necessary to praise or obsess over why they didn't show all 1,000 who had gather at their wedding... their first kiss... but we should focus on the fact they were pure until marriage.
    God Bless you Ben and Jessa!

  92. This is very nice to see, I am happy for Ben and Jessa! I think this calls for a dish of ice cream~

  93. I am so happy for the newly weds. I love your family and the example y'all set for others.I love the dress.

  94. Good for them! I hate the idea of that first kiss, which is so special being made into such a voyeuristic moment. I love that they did it their way!

  95. I think they are a wonderful couple and will work together to be happy for the rest of their lives.

  96. Good for them for carving out a little privacy for themselves on a very public day.

  97. Love love the dress! I was so very proud of them for saving their first kiss for private. I did that at my wedding and I'd do it the same way if I had to do it over.

  98. Good for them! A first kiss should be private!

  99. Ive never herd of anyone doing this. Kind of weird. Best wishes as newly weds!

    1. Me either!!!never heard of that...Jill and derrick kiss was so cute and she seem so happy.was there even a frontal hug???

  100. Wow, good for them!!! I would like to do that too at my wedding. I'm sooooo excited for them. Hope they enjoy their honeymoon and the years to come. May God bless them! And I can't wait to see the wedding when it airs! =D

  101. Congratulations Ben and Jessa! May you continue to be blessed and happy.

  102. Good for them. I don't like the idea of the first kiss basically being a form of entertainment for the guests. They should do whatever they feel comfortable with.

  103. Happy wedding day and the honeymoon now a waites you. Here's to being untraditional. It really works out well for this couple.

  104. Congratulations to Jessa and Ben!!! Praying that you grow close to Jesus together, in this new season of your life! God bless you!
    Love in Jesus, Grace

  105. Good for them. I know how special that first kiss is and to me having to have that first kiss in front of everyone cheapens it. Now they will remember that moment together and how special it was. I respect people that want to wait until they are married before they kiss but when everyone knows you are waiting how awkward and how much pressure that puts on you and it is hard to really enjoy that first kiss together.

  106. I was always taught a certain protocol in church. You did not run down the aisle in church and you showed respect for the house of God. With family proclaiming to be so religious you would think they would follow this same protocol. In some ways I feel they make a mockery or the sacrament of Matrimony. I am shocked.

    1. So glad this couple are showing the world they have a mind of their own and can STILL live a Godley life. Somehow I just knew they would do something unique and all their own. God, bless their marriage please, Thank You for allowing them to be such beautiful examples of your Love.

    2. I think it is wrong for u to judge anyone I don't feel that was what they was doing just like people think u can't sway and stomp your feet clap your hands to music in church and the Bible it say make a joyful noise unto the Lord that falls under that I was taught not to run in church but them getting down the aisle quickly is not disrespectful we danced to shout on the way out of the church when my brother got married

    3. That's a bit harsh. Just because they don't follow the protocol you were taught , it doesn't mean they're less Christian. They celebrate marriage and honor God AND don't care much for traditions made up by "man". Nothing ungodly about that.

    4. Really!?!? they can't celebrate in the house of God? I think God was rejoicing with them! Nothing wrong with celebrating a marriage, by running down the aisle, let alone a great couple that demonstrates self control unlike most today.......and a mockery of matrimony? I think more like a testament a Jessa and Ben go get that first kiss!!!

    5. It's a figure of speech, not necessarily what happened. Let us not be so quick to pass judgement.

    6. This is what's wrong with many Christians today always looking for something to nit pick about somebody else to say they are not good enough. A person who really has love for Jesus in their heart doesn't feel the need to make others feel inferior.

  107. Best wishes to the new couple. May God Bless this marriage! I'm glad Jessa is her own woman and did something different from Jill. She looks beautiful and I'm glad we could see a picture of the couple on the day of their wedding. This is for me...sweet. Even if TLC waits 12 months or however long it will take them to air the wedding, I'm happy to see a picture of the couple now. It's interesting that they broke tradition, even differently from Jill and Derrick. They are their own couple and it's nice they did things their own way, rather than a carbon copy of someone else's wedding.

    I'm happy for them and hope they are blessed with as many little ones that God chooses for them. However, as a fan of the show, I am not going to sit on the edge of my seat until I actually see the wedding air. With all due respect to the family and the blog, I don't want to read about the wedding until it airs six months from now, or however long it takes for TLC to air the wedding.

    I hope that other things are shown about the family and not wedding overkill.

  108. I think it sweet they wanted to save the first kiss for private.... sure we will see plenty of the kissing later.... Best Wishes and God bless!!!!!!

  109. Glad they finally got that moment to themselves. I am surprised that Mom and Dad did not insist on being present.........uugghhh

  110. Loved the dress! It was a beautiful choice, and I would want my first kiss after all that time to be private too. Congratulations!

  111. What matters most is that they love each other. Let's focus on that rather than the first kiss, the absence of a cake or the colour of the wedding gown. I like what the Duggar family stand for.

  112. Is Ben's best man married?

  113. I like their decision. I am all for waiting for your first kiss, if you want to, but always thought it kind of uncomfortable to have that first intimate moment in front of everyone. Hooray for keeping it private and just for them!

  114. Sooooooo happy for her, that moment was theirs and there was no need to share it with everyone <3

  115. Good for them! Thats the way Id want to share my first kiss too, privately. So happy for them, congratulations to the newlyweds!

  116. Congratulations! Wishing you all the blessings in your marriage as you start your family!

  117. Cant wait to see the similarities and differences of the two Duggar girls weddings. I wonder where the honeymoon will be? Also, where are they gonna live? So so many question, i guess we wilL all find out in due time.I can pretty much guarantee that we will get more info from this site alot sooner than TLC.

  118. @Anonymous
    Can you point to the place in scripture where it says "No running in church"?

  119. Congrats to both of them...Wishing you guys lots of love and happiness always. :-)

  120. Me and my family love you so much! Congratulations!

  121. I am so proud of Jessa and Ben. They are an example of love, patience, devotion, and I am so thankful to have you both as an example to my own children. My name is Andrea Blackburn fron Lexington Kentucky. I don't get online that often and forgot my Google password so I will show up as anonymous. However, you have been such an inspiration, along with your family, to so many people than I think you know! Thank you! And, best wishes to you both, Jessa and Ben!

  122. Love the dress and everything they did differentlly! How refreshing! Can't wait to see the wedding party! Lovely photo!

  123. Yayyyyyy....another beautiful marriage for my four children to look up to and remember! Thank you Ben and Jessa!

  124. Her gown is beautiful! And modest......without the neckline up under her chin!

  125. How exciting and Different good on Jessa and Ben for making some things just for themselves.. I cant wait to see photos and read all about it...Im also wondering where they will live? Lilly and Ellie? Here in australia we will only JUSt start the new season Next week...cant wait!!

  126. Man this is even BETTER! What a courageous and beautiful choice! It is a very intimate moment!

  127. While I don't agree with Jessa's views, I was very impressed by the choices she and Ben made for their wedding. Her dress was lovely and I'm so glad she and Ben chose to have their first kiss in private. Much better than some kind of circus spectacle. I wish them the best.

  128. Congratulations Jessa and Ben ! May God bless you in your new married life. I admire how you made you wedding different in a special way. I think it was a very good idea to save your first kiss for a private moment. Less awkward that way. Hope you have a great honeymoon and start to you marriage.
    H.M a fan from England

  129. Jessa's dress is simply stunning and the flowers are beautiful. I just wish the Duggar girls would do more with their hair on their wedding day - both Jill and Jessa had their hair the same as they do every other day which is a shame when they have the chance to do something special. If they are going to keep it long and natural looking couldn't they put some sparkles in it or flowers? Anyway they still looked beautiful. Congratulations!

  130. Congratulations Jessa and Ben. A well matched couple. Can't wait for the next season to begin now. No matter what people say it's clear these two are very much in love.

  131. @Anonymous I don't believe it was disrespectful to God or His House. It was out of pure joy and happiness that it was done. Where is the mockery in celebrating marriage in His House, and showing it?!

  132. Congratulations to the newlyweds. You made it your day and that is all that matters

  133. Does anyone know when it comes to the UK. Thanks

  134. Many religious Jews do the same. They have custom to go after the ceremony into a private room - so the new couple can spend those precious first moments as husband/wife alone together. I think people would be surprised just how many people in the world still consider physical touch to be special and private and make similar choices to the Duggars. There is a great book about the idea - Hands Off! This May Be Love by Gila Manolson.

  135. Saving the first kiss for a private moment is really smart. The first kiss could be really awkward!

  136. Jessa has always seemed to be an independent gal not afraid to follow the beat of her own drum- so not surprised at all that she went for a blush dress (Iwhich is Gorg!) and have hers and Bens first kiss in private. :-) I think the whole ice cream sundae concept is pretty cool too (no pun intended! HA!) I would expect Jinger to follow suit with putting her own spin on her future wedding too! Congrats and God Bless Ben and Jessa!!!

  137. I totally understand doing the first kiss in private... When Josh mentioned at Jill's wedding , "How special it is to share with family and friends," I was like... ehhhh.... that would be awkward if you hadn't had practice! This was they didn't have a time limit!!!!!!

  138. Did the same pastor marry Jill and Jessa? Is this the pastor of the church they attend as a family?

    Just a question, not a negative comment.

  139. Congratulations to Ben and Jessa! I love that they have chosen to do their own thing. A wedding is whatever is right for the couple. I'm looking forward to future news. Blessings on you both as you enter this new season of life.

  140. To all of those who are caught up in tradition....This beautiful family stands for everything that is right in the sight of God and not man. And when its your turn to wed then do what you want. Mean while, wishing many years with many memories as you start your journey together....

  141. Good for them sharing something so special alone. I find it awkward that jim bob and Michelle shared a kiss instead that's weird. I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle were upset they were getting counsel from the paster not them on this matter? Jessa and Ben look really happy and it's great they got to spend some private time together finally!

  142. @Anonymous
    The body of Christ (the Church) is not just a is the believers. WE are the Church. Good for Jessa & Ben!!!!

  143. It a good to see the distinction made between what is a matter of values - God's values, versus what is a matter of customs and traditions of people. People are free to choose what they like on matters of customs like colour of dress, running down the aisle, including a kiss at the end of the ceremony, what to eat, shoes or barefoot, etc. because these are customs chosen by people. Good for both couples, that they did not impose on themselves the artificial burden of repeating a custom just because a bunch of other people chose to do it.

  144. Im so glad thay chose their first kiss to be private and not judged, because thats what people do. There is a whole bunch of videos on Youtube that poke fun at firstimers.Who would want to be the butt of jokes at such a special sacred moment.Now they can master it before all those can see, and believe you me we will all being seein plenty of kissing in the future:-) Godbless those two.You go gurl ! :-)

  145. First kiss is very private thing! Also special! The dress is beautiful! Ben is very dapper! I love that there was no cake! Good traditions to start a new! Best wishes to the new couple!

  146. How cool that Pastor Mike Schadt married them.Hes their friend from ElSalvador, right? Is that his church? I looked at Google maps and it about 30min.away from Fayetteville. Off topic, I was just wondering what the Duggars stance is on women pastors?

  147. Can we know what the name of the church was in Bentonville and why it was chosen? She didnt get married in Cross Church like her parents and Jill.

  148. the honeymoon will be somewhere along the carolina coast. Josh and Anna went there and Jill and Derrick went there, So I am sure that is were they are head. also a few day we will see pictures on people of their honeymoon?

  149. Good for you Jessa and first kiss with the man I married was in private as well. I've always thought it creepy to have so many onlookers and knowing their expectations for the evening as well...this is not 16th century England and we are NOT a princess (insert British accent here).

  150. As an Orthodox Jew, I can really relate to wanting to keep the kiss private. In most Orthodox Jewish circles, public displays of affection between married couples are practically non existent. This is all kept private. (Though it is easy to see the respect and love between the couple in non physical ways.) We also don't kiss, or even touch before marriage, and anything physical after marriage, including kissing happens in private. I have a lot of respect for the Duggars, but I do find it strange that something that should be special (physical affection in marriage) is made showy for the cameras. Therefore, I have a lot of respect for the new Seewald couple for making this decission.

  151. Perfect! It was their moment. With no disrespect, Jim Bob , it is their union and the pastor who performed it. I feel that your Dad doesn't need to announce you can kiss. Jessa and Ben I applaud your ability to make a wedding under so much scrutiny , private

  152. Thank you for doing the kiss in private it is spectacle that is inappropiate for an audience to want to see it should be private and special for them.

  153. Congrats to Ben and Jessa, I can imagine for a few reasons why they saved their first kiss to be in private. I know kissing in front of all those people no matter how much you know them can be quite awkward no matter if it's a first kiss or not. I would definitely have chosen privacy like them. I think it's each couples choice on how comfortable they are and how private they want to be. The important thing is that they love the Lord and plan to serve him as a couple .. and that's really the beauty that shines through. Wishing Jessa and Ben a Beautiful Honeymoon...!

  154. What does Ben and Derek do for a living/job..They never realy said what they do..How are they going to support their wives and children..Or do/will they get a portion of the money that TLC pays the family per episode.

    1. Derek is an accountant for Walmart. I am sure they get paid for there appearing on the show though.

  155. Congratulations on your new life together. Wishing you that God will bless you two as you journey through your marriage. God bless you and all your family.

  156. Good for them! Now, I am truly impressed by their decision - the first kiss should be intimate and beautiful and romantic. Or at least private, because unfortunately first kisses are not that special at all (it was kind of disappointing for me). I wish them both lots of joy!

  157. I'm so glad they did what was special for them. It makes it so much nicer for their future family to hear about some day. They look so much in love and such a wonderful couple.

  158. I am happy for the new couple, and especially that they wanted there first kiss to be private never heard of anyone doing that at a wedding, her dress is gorgeous, may they have a wonderful life together as husband and wife, looking forward to seeing the wedding

  159. I am happy that they shared their first kiss alone without "chaparones" and audience. I think they were more present in the moment with each other.

  160. I like her dress!!! and that she went with a blush color too is cool!!!!!!

  161. Where will they live?

  162. Absolutely love the Duggars and the dignity the family has as a whole. So much respect for such beautiful examples!

  163. @AnonymousAnonymous 9----I agree with you!

  164. Guests spend their hard earned money on gifts and take the time out of their day for a long wedding day, and they dont even get finger sandwiches.They can afford it. I know its not about the food its about celebrating their love, but its just a nice gesture for all that the guests have given. Some elderly people need tl eat more frequently and same with people with health issues.Even if they eat a big meal before they come its a long wait till all is said and done,especially a Duggarsized wedding.The Bates served some real food at all of theirs.Just though it would be the considerate thing to do.

  165. Annon#9 stole a bit of my thunder, I too was brought up never to run in church but always walk and behave with proper decorum. I can totally understand the young couples enthusiasm, having once been a young bride myself and agree that if they want - the first kiss should be a private matter between the both of them alone but don't agree with running down the aisle. They are not setting a good example in that regard to other couples getting ready for marriage.

  166. I like the idea of keeping the kiss private! :) congrats!!!!

  167. @Anonymous
    To Annon# 3 - Not all couples kiss in church - some denominations frown on it - also Prince William and Kate did not kiss in church - neither did any of the Royal Family, Charles And Diana, HM the Queen and Prince Philip etc,.

  168. Go Jessa! What a great idea! - Amy

  169. @AnonymousI completely agree that running down the aisle is not very appropriate in church. The ceremony should be special, and fun, but don't make a joke of it. The Duggars talk about marriage and how important it is, then they almost make a mockery of the sacred marriage ceremony. I feel just as aggravated about Jim Bob preaching modesty all the time. Then we have to listen to all of his silly embarrassing comments about kissing and everything else.

  170. Congratulations Ben and Jessa!!!! Jessa, you are a beautiful bride, and Ben you are a handsome groom!!! Tall are both so lucky to have each other!! Can't wait to see your wedding!!!!!

  171. Wishing Ben & Jessa many years of happiness. Love they shared their first kiss in private. Time to update the blog picture with Ben & Jessa. God Bless-

  172. Sounds like their minister gave this couple some very good advice to share their first kiss privately. As impressive as it is that these lovely young couples are waiting for their wedding day to begin the physical side of their relationship, there a little too much public emphasis placed on the extent of their commitment to chastity. I don't disagree with their chaste views just wish the couples had a bit more privacy and it appears that Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seewald have hit upon a very nice solution.

  173. Beautiful pictures of their weeding. Congrats wish you all the very best.

    You forgot to put Ben's name on the photo wall..

  174. I went to a Jewish wedding once where the bride and groom took 15 minutes immediately after the ceremony to be alone as husband and wife. I can't remember the name of the tradition, but I've always felt that if the Duggars were going to preach "modesty" so far and wide and constantly talk about saving the first kiss for the wedding day, they should do the same thing. Having everyone - including the father of hte bride and her young siblings comment on the quality of the kiss is just plain creepy - especially after all that modesty talk!

  175. Wow, so amazed at people that have nothing better to do than to degrade this sweet couple for "running" down the isle. They are a respectful, beautiful family. Prayers going out to Jessa & Ben...may the Lord bless you!

  176. Congrats Ben and Jessa!! May God bless your marriage.

  177. so they ran down the aisle after they got married so what? I grew up going to church and we didn't run but lots of times after a wedding ceremony the newly weds left pretty quickly because they were excited. It wasn't as they sprinted and yelled down the aisle knocking things or people over.

  178. Carol Richardson HarrisNovember 2, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    I was thrilled they saved their first kiss to be private! I felt sorry for Jill and Derrick, everyone gawking at them during what should have been an intimate, private moment! Knowing that was the first time they could be that intimate, it should have been private!!! I hope the other Duggars do this! Good for them!!! Love all the Duggars and their love for Jesus! I don't agree with the way they do everything, but I sure do respect them and love them for honoring their convictions! Folks don't agree with the way I do everything either! We grow and love in Jesus the way He leads us! I love the way their family is so loving, respectful and such an example of Jesus! I do not understand any negativity toward them-they certainly don't ask anyone to support them financially-so what IS your problem. All their kids are respectful, loving and fun people! You have a fan with me-Love you all, Duggar family!

  179. I agree with Anonymous 38 and 39. I think it's fine to run down the aisle in excitement and joy that you're finally married. That doesn't mean you have a rebellious heart. Maybe if you were running around the church during a service being obnoxious or trying to distract. Doesn't God look at our hearts. Plus I feel like sometimes Christians worship their building and religiousness instead of God sometimes. Love the kiss in private too. My husband and I ran off to kiss alone too after our short and sweet kiss at the alter. Such a sweet moment.

  180. I personally don't think it was necessary for Jim Bob and Michelle to kiss in place of the newly weds. Just let the bride and groom have their day!! Why does anyone feel they need to put the spotlight on themselves? We've seen the parents kiss so many times before. If the newlyweds didn't want to kiss at the altar then just leave it at that. It's their wedding!

  181. Not run? They have spent 14 months holding on to their morals, listening to their parents lectures, being watched by chaperones, being watched by the world via media.Run? Wouldn't you?

  182. I'm a Southern Baptist. I have no idea where the Duggars' get their practices on things like dating, etc. I do admire their dedication to values, but it seems like many of their "rules" are Duggar mandated and not God mandated.

  183. I running down the aisle and going barefoot a new "thing" in weddings? Like something you'd see on Pinterest? Or is this a Duggar thing?


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