Will wedding bells be ringing for another Duggar in the near future? Jana,
John-David, Jinger, and Joseph Duggar chatted with PEOPLE this week about their
thoughts on courtship and marriage.
"I do not choose who my children marry," the Duggar dad, 50, tells
PEOPLE. "Over the years, I have suggested guys to my daughters or we have
had a lot of guys that approach us and are interested in this girl or that
girl, but each of our girls have chosen their spouse on their own."
Jana, 24, weighs in on the
situation: "We've always gotten different ones asking, 'When is it going
to be your turn? When is it your time?' I just think for me I am just
waiting..." she says. "When God brings that one along it will be his
Like Jana and Jinger, John is
also waiting on God's timing and is content with where the Lord has him right
More on PEOPLE.com.
Some viewers get the idea
that Jim Bob Duggar is in the business of selecting spouses for his children.
However, that is not the case.

Many guys have expressed
interest in Jana and Jinger, but so far, Jim Bob says that neither girl has felt
God leading her to begin a relationship.
Jim Bob says Jana is one of
the prettiest and sweetest girls in the world and that Jinger is "a
dynamic girl that a lot of guys have been interested in."

Jana spends her time serving
her family by doing household tasks and helping homeschooling her younger
What about John-David and
"Everybody is giving me
advice about getting married," says John-David, 24. "It isn't a bad
thing. I'm open to advice."
During Jill's wedding
rehearsal, John jokingly announced that he was accepting applications for a
"It was a joke," he
says. "But I hear that we started receiving applications like crazy. I
don't know how many have come in and I haven't looked at any, but I hear there
are a lot."

Joseph, 19, says he wants to
follow the same courtship principles that Josh, Jill, and Jessa have.
"I don't
think God wants us to play around and go out with everyone, but to know for
sure that is the one He has for you," he says. "Sometimes, that takes
Joseph has been
doing maintenance and lawn care for his dad and has enjoyed working alongside
Ben Seewald.
More on PEOPLE.com.
hi i'm from Malaysia. i really adore with this family. i also have many siblings but not like them. i only have 10. I hope i can meet them and see how their life. tq
ReplyDeleteThat is exactly what everyone's been waiting to hear...now maybe they can give it a rest and let these kids enjoy their life as it is so far.They seem very content with the way things are. There is no rush, they are still young.This was a great article, they seem so confident and wise.It was sure nice to hear from them.A nice change of pace from all this wedding excitement is a good thing. I love hearing about the rest of the family too.:-)
ReplyDeleteJinger and Lawson Bates would be pretty cute together too!
I know, right? I have said the very same thing too.:-)
DeleteI really hope Jana and Jinger are not holding off on courting for their moms sake. Now that two of Michelle's daughters are gone there is less help with the little ones. After Joy, there are six boys, and four girls, and the older boys in the family don't help in child rearing like the girls do. Michelle has to be 'mom' more now all over again.
ReplyDeleteI think by the time that hapends those little ones will be not so little anymore.They should be pretty self sufficient, and im sure with that big house the older girls will bring their kids back home and have a school for all the kids together or something like that.Uness they all move away i highly doubt Michelle will be left high and dry.They are all too close to let that ever happen.
DeleteI think John David will be next
ReplyDeleteI love the Duggars. I watch every episode of their show. I believe in the power of a loving family and what it can provide for the world. But what breaks my heart is their stance on people being able to love who they do, even if that person is of the same sex. God is love. Love comes in so many forms. Where there is love there is God. And it is just not our job to judge.
ReplyDeleteDear Lily and Ellie,
ReplyDeleteHow is Jill doing with her pregnancy? I am keeping her in my prayers everyday, and hope she and the baby are well! Thank you ladies for all your hard work and amazing posts, to keep us informed on the Duggars, -it is a blessing! Thank you also for posting about Jana, John-David, Jinger, and Joseph. I was glad to hear about them too! May God richly bless you, as you have blessed others!
In Christ, Grace
I appreciate that these Duggar children have enough self respect to wait until God sends the one that is right for them. Not too many people can say that their children haven't dated around and even in some cases gotten married to the wrong person just because they felt pressured into being married. I say, take your time! Don't let anyone's comments make you feel like you have to be rushed into anything. God bless all of you :)
ReplyDeleteI think it awesome how you have raised your children. And for the gossip that Jim Bob is picking husbands or wives for his children forget it. It took you years to raise you children and make them great adults and it takes only a few days or weeks for the wrong mate to mess that up. People talk and make up lies because there people and they like drama. But hold up your heads and keep trusting the Lord.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't these young adults have jobs\careers outside their home???
ReplyDeleteJana is a doula and Jill is a midwife
DeleteThey do. A couple of the girls are studying & practicing midwifery. The boys also work
DeleteDear Jana, John- David, Jinger, and Joseph,
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you are waiting for God's perfect timing, in this tough season in your lives. You are an encouragement to me, and I am sure to others, by your examples. Thank- you for your faithful witness of Christ-like character, it is a huge blessing! God bless all of you, as you wait on Him, for His will for your life.
Love in Jesus,
Around what age do you allow your kids to start courting?
ReplyDeleteaww love them
ReplyDeleteJana is such a good example. She is waiting and depending on God to meet someone. Good for you, Jana, for being a servant at home! You are beautiful !!!! I'm excited to see what God does for you.
ReplyDeleteWaiting on the LORD and the spouse He intends for you is the wisdom of the age so GOD bless you darling Duggers! That thinking also frees you up to enjoy life beautifully in whatever moment you're in. I love the faith seen in the lives you live. Keep looking up for the view is out of this world!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post! Though I've always been curious why none of them have moved out of the house yet?
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you finally commented about Jim Bob choosing mates for his children. There are so many people out there that have the wrong idea about everything you do. I guess you would call them haters. I see it as Satan trying to control things. I guess those of us that stand up for God have to just be steadfast and understand but be firm in how we live. Thank you Duggars for being such a good example to the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteGood for you. I have the same beliefs for my 17 year old daughter. No rush.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear about these 4 and their viewpoints on the subject. I would love to see a Duggar go to College or University while they wait for "the one God has for them".
ReplyDeleteI would say Jim Bob definitely does play a big role in who his daughters marry! They have already said on the show that if any guy was interested in one of them, he'd have to approach their father about it first. And that's a good thing! So he's either making suggestions to them as he did with Jill about Derick whom he knew already or the guy has to ask him first as Ben did about Jessa.
ReplyDeleteBut don't quite get the courting thing, if anyone cares to explain a little. The point of it is to get to know each other better with the goal being marriage, right? But wouldn't they have to know quite a bit about each other first before they'd even consider courting? Courting, according to what I've seen on the Duggar show (which is the ONLY place I've seen it) is basically part of the process leading to marriage. In other words, when you start courting you're more or less sure this is 'the one'. Otherwise, it would just be dating. But how do you court someone you barely know? I don't think Josh and Anna knew each other very well before they courted - he says he saw her at a Home School conference, talked a bit, and then asked her dad if he could court her. Why would he jump into courting, with the intent of marrying, without knowing much about her? It's a little confusing to me but it sure seems to work for them!! But HOW??
Considering the national divorce rate when people are allowed to choose with no input or guidance from a loving, concerned parent like Jim Bob maybe the Duggars have the right idea.
ReplyDeleteLove John-David. He reminds me of my own husband...a steady Eddie. Hard worker, loyal to his family, and one to plan for the future (as we've seen with the pilot business he's building.) He's quieter than his elder brother but you get the sense that he would make a great, loyal husband and dad. From what I've seen on the show he has a wry sense of humor too! Any girl would be lucky to marry him!
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet family!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you guys, and love the show!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNone of them are old maids or past prime...I wish them well and am sure the right partner will arrive in their lives when seen fit. We always ask but never seem to have patience to wait. I wish them all the best and glad they can experience life before marriage.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. I'm glad they're occupied in other ways. I hope Jana is still working as a doula and volunteering with the fire department. I hope John-David's towing business is going well, and maybe private pilot work(or commercial?) is a possibility?
ReplyDeleteThere's some very good-looking Bates kids available! You know that there will be at least one Duggar/Bates match-up! Just saying!! My two favorite families! They would make beautiful music together! That would be awesome!!! I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Duggar kids is in a courtship already, trying to keep it private, then just announce an engagement! (Or that could just be the fans' wishful thinking!)
ReplyDeleteEven these adults are apparently not allowed to open their own mail. If they were, how would John David know there are lots of applications-which he doesn't know how many and hasn't seen any of them. I am sure they don't say application on the envelope and I am sure they are not all addressed to mom and dad.
ReplyDelete@Patricia JonesI don't think people are haters for asking questions...just curious! I am positive Jana will end up happy like the other girls when she is ready. I am glad you posted this as even I was curious as to whether or. Or Jim Bob picked the spouse! During one episode Jim Bob made a reference to looking for someone older for Jana, that is why I was curious. I am most definitely a fan not a hater! Thanks for sharing with us people who love the family and want what's best for them also! Always a mom!
ReplyDeletePeople who are curious are not haters...we are moms and dads who care, that's all..I love the show, love the family, but during one episode Jim Bob made a reference to maybe looking for someone a bit older for Jana, I was praying this was not what was happening and Jana will be choosing her own spouse...if any! I am sure the other girls had a hand in the choosing but ultimately Dad had to approve, nothing wrong with that! I'm sure dad would not approve only if they were making a big mistake! Love the show, can't wait to see Jessa and Bens wedding, Jill and Derricks baby...so so much happening....come on TLC...your viewers need info quicker!
ReplyDeleteJohn David and Jennifer Hartono would be a great couple!
I think Jana will make a wonderful wife and is ready for marriage, if only they can find the right man for her. But Jim Bob needs to present many suitors to her now because if she waits too many more years, she may not be able to have as many children as she would like. Fertility greatly decreases after 30 if you have not had children before then. Jana seems like a second mother to her siblings and may be so attached she does not want to leave them to start a family of her own. She can always live close by yet still marry and have her own children. If not, then she should be allowed to study to become a nurse (I heard her say on one show she wanted to do this) or choose a profession. At 24, one should not be home all day, regardless of how much you are helping out at home. You should either marry, go to school or have a profession or work. P.S. She would make a wonderful nurse, perhaps a nurse/midwife.
ReplyDeleteJana is a beautiful girl with a great heart. I am sure there are hundreds of guys out there who would love to court Jana. But she is waiting for the right one. Jim Bob and Michellle sure did create some beautiful children! The whole family is a breath of fresh air.
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome. You want to wait on the LORD! I know of someone who thought she was not waiting on the LORD and married a guy who said he was a Christian. Come to find out he really isn't. They are so unequally yolked. He is mean to her, he steals her things from her. He doesn't want her listening to other ministers than the one's he listens to. He calls her name in front of the kids. It is a nightmare. Please, please wait on the LORD. It is well worth it!
ReplyDeleteI'm 33 years old and I'm still waiting.
ReplyDeleteI get the impression the girls remain at home until they marry, regardless of their age. Could be the same for the guys too. The girls are groomed at home to be a wife/mother by raising their younger siblings, cooking for the family, etc. I can't envision one of the girls ever living on their own prior to marriage. Just don't think it's done that way in this family.
ReplyDeleteNice interview - these young people seem to have their act together.
ReplyDeleteIt is odd to see comments that suggest matches. J.D. does not need to be told who would be a good match, he said when the right girl comes along he will be getting married, therefore the right girl has not come along as of yet.
ReplyDeleteI think it's wonderful the kids are waiting on God's timing. Marriage is wonderful but singleness can be such a fruitful season in life.
ReplyDeleteHi Grace,
Jill is doing well. She is past the wost of the morning sickness and is looking forward to meeting her son in a few short months.
Lily and Ellie
I would like 2 c one of them court 1 of the bates
ReplyDeleteHi..How come Michelle's family isn't really mentioned?
ReplyDeleteI'm curious as to where they are supposed to meet 'the right one'? They don't attend high school or college, they don't work outside the home, they don't do sports or hobbies, or clubs. They attend home church rather than a church where they might meet someone. All of these are the standard non-bar ways to meet people. God helps those who help themselves, and the 'right one' can't just walk up to the Duggar home and ring the doorbell.
ReplyDeleteThe other ones have found spouses under the same circumstances, seems to be working.
DeleteHmmm where do we turn the applications in at?? Hahaha
ReplyDeleteMy uncle got me hooked on the show. I started watching about a year ago. I love the courtship idea and firmly agree with it. I tried to install similar values into my own children. Now I watch with my soon to be four year old granddaughter whom loves the show. She calls it " the mommy show".
ReplyDelete26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
ReplyDelete27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
ReplyDeleteI courted my husband before we were married as well.
Basically the only difference between courting and dating is that the desired end result of courting is marriage.
You can court someone without knowing if they are 'the one.' In fact, the reason you court is to FIGURE OUT if they are 'the one.'
When you are courting someone, you are exploring the option of marrying them. If you start to feel that this person is not the one you should marry, you end the courtship.
Courting is more serious and goal-oriented than dating is. With dating, you sometimes don't know your partner's intent or end goal. Some people date just to date, or they date the kind of people they don't want to marry.
In my generation (I am 24), a lot of the people I know are part of the 'hook up culture,' where they hook up with people but they aren't pursuing real relationships that will end in marriage. Which is why I chose to court, and it worked out for my husband and me!
@AnonymousInteresting that you claim it is not "our job to judge" yet you JUDGE the Duggars for having a lifestyle and values that reflect what their religious views teach. True love is accepting. If you truly believed in YOUR concept of "love" then you would accept that people have differing views.
ReplyDeleteI love that you are watching them from another country. That is cool that you have 10 siblings, I have always wanted to have that many siblings but, I have 2 brothers that are older than me.
I would be sad :-( If they were to take this Show off the Air . I believe that it show a lot of Life Values and I am number 9 out of 11 I am also a very Proud mom of a 19 year old Young Man who is also waiting on God to seen him his Chosen one
ReplyDeleteI really agree that they are very good family to watch and i like their standards on courting. I thinking that very girl and guy should follow their example.
ReplyDeletedear madison,
ReplyDeletethey are reguler people they are like you and me don't ship them together! God already has a plan in each and every person's marrige.
I am an avid Fan!! But some questions I would like to hear answered are: - Have any of your children rebelled against the rules or religious teachings? Also: What beauty routines do Michelle and the other females use to look so good-Do they diet? Also Anna is getting better looking all the time. Does TLC offer her styling advice? or Skin Care routines?