Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Duggar Recipe: Liquid Laundry Soap

One of the numerous, out-of-the-box ways the Duggars save money is by making their own liquid laundry soap. 

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap
(Front or top load machine-best value)

4  Cups - hot tap water
1  Fels-Naptha soap bar*
1 Cup - Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda**
½ Cup Borax


-Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.
-Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and Borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.
-Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel)
-Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled. Ideas: lavender, rosemary, tea tree oil.
-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

*Visit the Fels-Naptha website to find a store in your area that carries the product.
**Arm & Hammer "Super Washing Soda" - in some stores or may be purchased online here (at Baking Soda will not work, nor will Arm & Hammer Detergent - It must be sodium carbonate!!

For more Duggar recipes (including reviews and variations), visit our Recipes page.

What kind(s) of laundry soap do you use?


  1. Sounds great & now that my stove top is fixed...actually converted from the (broken glass top electric) to gas now, & I am nearly out of store bought liquid soap, I plan to make this soon. Can this be used , for sensitive skins, as on Cloth Diapers & baby's laundry?

    1. I use Johnson baby soap bar insteadif the fels naotha bar and it works great for our baby and his cloth diapers

    2. Tina-crazyw4monkeysMay 28, 2012 at 9:17 PM

      I'be been making and using this liquid detergent recipe for about 4 years or more. I LOVE it! My children and I have very sensitive skin and we have not had any problems with this. I know exactly what is in my detergent and can pronounce it. LOL I cant even use lotions or perfumes due to the alcohol in them.
      I keep an extra bar handy for stains. With 4 children I get my fair share. I just dampen the stain rub the bar of soap, either Zote or Fels Naptha, (both work wonderfully!) then either wash or wait until laundry day.
      Good luck!

    3. Help...I just used this exact recipe early this morning. Mine did NOT thicken...why??? It's like water. Do I have to throw this all away?

    4. U got to let it sit over night.

    5. I made this detergent last night followed directions and today it is runny and not thick please help . What should I do??

    6. Hi Anonymous,

      Borax is the thickener--are you sure you put enough in? If you're sure you did, we recommend you stir the mixture well and then let it sit for another day.

      ~Lily and Ellie

  2. I tried the Duggar's liquid laundry soap, but it was (in my opinion) a huge pain to make. I switched to a powder form:
    2 c grated soap, approx 1 bar (any real soap: Felz Naptha, Ivory, etc. I like Kirk's Castille)
    2 c washing soda
    2 c baking soda
    3 c Borax
    Use 1/8 c per load. Yields approx 72 loads. I double or even triple this batch for our little brood.

    That said, watching the Duggars make laundry soap made me realize how economical it is. It also interest me in making ALL my other cleaners. :-)

    1. Sounds a lot easier! Are you still using this recipe? Works in cold water?

  3. I use gain laundry soap.

  4. I use a similar recipe, but in the dry version because liquid seems too complicated to make and store. My recipe calls for 1 bar of soap (grated), one cup of washing soda, and one cup of borax. I use two tablespoons per load. The only thing one has to be careful about when using this formula is to not shake it, as it easily becomes airborne and is highly irritating to the nasal passages.

  5. I don't do the laundry! Lucky me!

  6. Its seems my whites don't come out that bright, any tips? do I need to use hot water instead of cold with this laundry soap?

    1. In hot water, borax converts water molecules to hydrogen peroxide causing a bleaching effect.

  7. Hi QFchaos!

    The Duggars have several young children, so this detergent should be fine for baby's laundry. However, some babies have more sensitive skin than others. You could try washing a washcloth in this detergent and then touching it to your baby's skin to see if your little one tolerates it.

    Hope this helps!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  8. Here is an article with tips to get your whites looking brighter:

    ~Lily and Ellie

  9. Anonymous, hot water may shrink your laundry, so use caution. The Duggars don't specify hot or cold water in their recipe, so either should be fine.

    Does anyone else have suggestions about using hot vs. cold water?

    ~Lily and Ellie

  10. My family uses the Duggar liquid laundry soap recipe.

  11. I always use cold water. My dad and I buy a bargain-brand detergent that has worked for us for decades and has almost no scent. It is partially biodegradable (no phosphates or surfacants) and comes in a cardboard box so it is easily recyclable. I will probably look into making my own laundry detergent when I move out however. I tend to do a lot of cleaning with things like baking soda and vinegar. I mean, think of cleaning your tub with those harsh chemicals in the store-bought cleaners...and then getting into the water if you didn't properly wash out the tub afterwards. Or putting your baby in. Scary.

  12. I have used the Duggar liquid recipe and a dry version. I loved them but found that after a while of using it my whites were very dingy. They seemed to be clean but I didn't like the dingy so I swithched back to Tide. If it weren't for this issue, I'd still be using it! I've since noticed that the Duggars wear mostly darker colors. Maybe that is why.

  13. I like the new layout of your website.

  14. Thanks very much! Glad you like it.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  15. I use the Duggar's powdered laundry detergent version (on their website). I don't have the room to store a 5 gallon bucket that their recipe calls for. and we do use Fels-Naptha cause it deoderizes but is gentle on my son's eczema. I've never had a problem with our whites, but then I do use bleach when washing the whites (cold water for all loads). Absolutely love the stuff!

  16. I've used a recipe similar to the Duggar recipe. My son, who is now 18 years old, has very sensitive skin and eczema. Aside from Dreft baby detergent, this was the only detergent that didn't irritate his skin. With a 5 year old, a 3 year old, an 18 month old and another on the way in our house, this recipe works great for us.

  17. Here's the link to a YouTube video that shows someone making the Duggars' laundry soap:

    ~Lily and Ellie

  18. I use this recipe but add a about 1 cup of ERA laundry soap to the bucket after it's sat overnight.. I use HOT water to mix it together and HOT water when I put it in my container but wash with cold. This recipe lasted me over a year (laundry for 1 person) I LOVE it!

  19. followed the recipe to a t but came out very thin. any suggestions?

  20. i noticed on your recipes it has a T what does the T stand for Tablespoon or Teaspoon.

  21. T is Tablespoon, and t is teaspoon.

    Lily and Ellie

  22. • I don't use laundry soap as I use Avon Bubble Bath. All I use is a cap full each load as there is no soap in this Bubble Bath. I cannot use the Liquid Laundry soap as it makes my clothes smell like perfume, which I cannot use as I have asthma.
    • Judith V Steeves

    1. I use the dry laundry soap and I have no trouble with a smell. I have COPD which entails asthma.

  23. How interesting! Thanks for sharing that, Judith. Does anyone else use Avon Bubble Bath?

    ~Lily and Ellie

  24. Apparently you can use Avon Bubble Bath for almost anything. Who knew! Thanks again, Judith!

    Readers, if you're interested, make sure to check out this article. It explains ten uses for Avon Bubble Bath, including carpet cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, and mildew remover:

    Lily and Ellie

  25. Just finished my first batch of the liquid laundry soap. smells great thus far. Did add a 1/2 cup more of the washing soda so I can skip the tide stain lifter packets. Other than that we will test it out tomorrow on our first load. This with vineger as the softner will save me tons.

  26. Does anyone know if this type of detergent safe to use in th HE machines?

  27. Hi Amanda,

    Not to worry, this laundry soap is safe to use in a High Efficiency machine. You just won't need to use as much. Try using half of what the recipe calls for per load, and see what happens. If there is excess soap on the clothes at the end, just run an extra rinse cycle and then use less detergent next time.

    Hope this helps!

  28. I made the detergent from the recipe on this page yesterday. It was SO easy to make! Including the grating of the soap, it probably took me 15 to 20 minutes tops. I let it gel overnight and today I did my first load of towels. They are nice and clean and very fresh smelling. I will never buy laundry detergent again!

  29. yay!!! I'm so excited. I just made my first batch of liquid detergent and from your comments I'm just so anxious to see how it turns out tomorrow. I couldn't find the fels naptha so I used Ivory soap and it smelled great. I have it sitting in the 5 gallon container now and hopefully its jelling. I did use a little extra Baking Soda as well. My question is for the HE top loader, how much did you use?

  30. Hi Faithfulbeauty09. Try using 1/4 cup of the liquid detergent. If there are still soap suds in your clothes do a second rinse and use a little less the next time.
    Lily and Ellie

  31. I have been researching a lot lately on homemade cleaners and laundry soap. I am excited to save some money and try this recipe out, if it works for the Dugar's then we know it's a good thing!!! Does having hard water make a difference? If so, any suggestions for this? I will keep you posted on my penny pinching adventure! God bless.

  32. help i made the liquid laundry soap last nite used ivory smelled great but this mornign when i checked it its stillliquid has not turned to gel help

  33. Did you stir it well? Borax is the thickener--are you sure you put enough in?

    ~Lily and Ellie

  34. can this homemade laundry detergent also be used in the dishwasher?

  35. Hi Anonymous!

    This recipe is very similar to that of liquid dishwasher detergent, but not identical. We did some research and did not find any websites that say you can used the two recipes interchangeably, and experimenting might not be a great idea.

    It doesn't look like the Duggars have shared a recipe for dishwasher detergent, but other people have. Here's a site that lists several dishwasher detergent recipes:

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  36. Question: I had the 5 gallon liquid recipe it gelled up fine. Then I left it for about a week while I finished using my last "store bought" When I came back to my bucket to get some, it had thinned out a lot and was like water with some slimy lumps in it. Any suggestions? Should it stay gelled forever? Thanks

  37. Hi Beth!

    If you shake the container before each use, as the recipe says, it should gel. Did you try that?

    Thanks for reading the blog!
    Lily and Ellie

  38. Can Hardly wait to make this with my mom. My question is how big are the bars of soap.

  39. An amazing example you are of Gods example and His love...Thank you! Dana~

  40. I am ready to make my own liquid laundry detergent, can I use liquid ivory soap instead of the bar soap (it is not body wash)?
    My daughter is allergic to everything except Ivory.


  41. Hi Audrey!

    We have not been able to find a recipe using liquid ivory soap. The main reason people make their own laundry detergent is to save money, and using a bar of soap is much less expensive than using liquid soap. If you are up for an experiment, give it a try, and let us know the results.

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  42. If you don't have washing soda (sodium carbonate) you CAN use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) if you bake it in the oven first. Spread baking soda on a cookie sheet & bake @ 300F for an hour to drive off water & carbon dioxide. This turns the baking soda (NaHCO3) into washing soda, Na2CO3. Higher temps and longer baking time is not a problem :)

  43. The Duggars used a really nice soap grinder in one of their episodes. I would love to know where to get it to make my laundry soap making easier if you can find out! Thanks!

  44. Hi dthneece!

    The Duggars use a basic hand grinder, similar to a meat grinder. You can also use a cheese grater or coffee grinder.

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

    1. I cube the soap and then toss it in my Ninja blender/processor : )

  45. My mom is allergic to everything. Even laundry soap that says it is hypo-allergenic. The only kind of laundry soap she is able to use is Tide. Has anyone ever had any kind of allergic reaction to this recipe? I would love to make this soap for my whole family, but worry about my mom’s allergies. I’m also finding out the older I get the more sensitive I am becoming to certain items.

  46. Does anyone know if you can use these recipes on cloth diapers?

  47. Hi Cathy!

    This recipe should be fine to use on cloth diapers. However, some babies have more sensitive skin than others. You could try washing a washcloth in this detergent and then touching it to your baby's skin to see if your little one tolerates it.

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

  48. Do you have to dilute the mixture with 1/2 laundry mix and 1/2 water, or can you just use less in the washing machine?

  49. Hi Latonya!

    It is probably best to stick to the recipe, but you could try using less detergent and no water.

    Thanks for reading,
    Lily and Ellie

  50. Okay Thanks so much for the quick response!! I love watching the show!! We can all only dream to have a family as close as yours!!

  51. Hi!
    I have used the same recipe posted the past 2 times I have made our laundry soap. I noticed my whites have been dingier too, so I add oxyclean to the wash for my whites lately.
    Well, I thought I was being smart this go around in making my laundry soap by adding 1/2 cup oxyclean with other dry ingredients. I also used Kirks Castille soap as it has no scent, where Fels Naptha does(or at least the ones I have found). After letting it "gel" overnight, I came back to it this morning and it was NOT gelled at all. It's a more watery consistency, and there's nothing settling on the bottom or on top either. Weird. I expected the typical jellied appearance as my past 2 batches. Wondering it is still safe to use on my top load HE? I think it it, but have you heard this happening before and what is your opinion about using it? I hate to waste my work and my ingredients, but also want my washer to last a long time.
    Thank you!


  52. Hi Lori!

    You could try stirring it, and shaking the container. Borax is the thickener--are you sure you put enough in? It's also possible that the oxyclean has something to do with the mixture not gelling.

    It's your call if you want to try it in your machine. It shouldn't do any damage, but then again we're not experts. :)

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  53. I just bought an HE washing machine, has anyone tried the duggers washing liquid in an HE washer?

  54. I have been making a similar liquid version of this recipe for approximately 3 years now, and have used it in our HE machine all that time without trouble. I originally started using it in order to help my infant daughter's sensitive skin, but stuck with it when I saw how much money we save. I do find that stains really need to be pre-treated, and on particularly dirty loads (like my husband's work clothes), I will add either some extra borax or washing soda to the load. Every now and then, I do an all white load so I can bleach some things - but I don't feel our lighter colors are regularly dingy using the homemade soap.

  55. Thanks for posting that, Christy! You nailed all the questions that readers have asked about the Duggars' homemade laundry soap.

    Have a great day!
    Lily and Ellie

  56. If whites are dingier after a while, use bleach. i use non chlorine bleach. its made with hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine. and you can use it in colors as well. no worry of staining and no harsh chemical smell.

  57. Off sunject, but does anyone know a good cleaner for bathtubs? My bathtub has dark stuff on it, kinda looks kike shadows, won't clean off, looks dirty but not.

    Also when is new season?

  58. Hi Melissa,

    We use Bon Ami to clean our bathtubs, tile floors, toilets, and just about anything else in our home. It is an all natural, nonabrasive cleaner that is reasonably priced. You can learn more at

    To answer your second question: TLC has not yet announced a start date for the new season, but we will post it when they do.

    Have a wonderful evening!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  59. Someone mentioned using bubble bath for laundry soap. I have not used that before, but when I was deployed to Afghanistan, I set up wash tubs for my Soldiers, and we used a washboard, and washed our clothes with a touch of shampoo in the water. I liked baby shampoo as it rinsed better, but any shampoo would work. It was a few months before we got laundry services, so we did the best with what we had. My uniforms always came out very clean, though. If they were particularly dirty from the environment, I just soaked them for 10 minutes or so before scrubbing them. :-)

  60. Hi Margaret,

    Thank you for serving in Afghanistan! We are honored to have you as a reader. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Lily and Ellie

    P.S. Baby shampoo, what a great idea!

  61. How much do i use for an He front loader? 1/4 c. or half of that? Also where do i find the essential oils?

  62. Hi Anonymous (at 9:44 PM),

    For an HE machine, try using half of what the recipe calls for per load, and see what happens. If there is excess soap on the clothes at the end, just run an extra rinse cycle and then use less detergent next time.

    Essential oils can be purchased at most health food stores.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  63. After 4 trys I finally got the GEL effect..and it was something simple on my part, that I wasnt doing..I completely melted the bar of soap..and then cooked it an extra 5 mins or so..and I used boiling HOT water,that I boiled on stove top. Where as before I used hot tap water and as soon as soap was melted I added it to the water..Hope this helps those that are having issues with the GEL'ing issue.

    1. I have made mine the same way always making sure it it is thoroughly mixed. Before letting it sit overnight I pour the mixture into clean 2ltr bottles. When it comes time I shake the bottle, and pour it into a gallon jug, and put another 2 ltr of water into the gallon n shake. I use 1C per load. I have noticed with this soap presoaking is great for really dirty loads. And Sony pack the washer tightly.

  64. So I made the recipe but mine is gel like in the 5 gallon bucket (with a bit of water around it) but when I divided it out into an old laundry container, it is pretty watery. When I shake it up, it does not gel, it gets like water and that is what I am putting into my washer is basically watery soap. Will this clean my clothes?

  65. Thanks for posting that, Bobbie!

    ~Lily and Ellie

  66. Hi Anonymous (at 10:10 AM),

    Our advice is to try it out in your machine. Just make sure to shake the mixture immediately before using.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  67. yes. once you have stirred it up and put in another container it will be a watery substance..since you dilute it with may regel a little but not much and once you reshake it will become watery again.And yes it will still clean you clothes..but remember it is low sudsing so it wont suds up alot..hope this helps.

  68. with homemade detergent if you whites are looking dingy you can add 1/2 cup of borax to your washer with HOT water, soak for 1/2 an hour then washing normal.
    Hope this helps

  69. Thanks for the tip, Jamey!

    ~Lily and Ellie

  70. I just tried it and it was wonderful!! Saved us lots of money and my clothes are clean. :)

  71. Just made my first batch of homemade laundry soap today and am so excited! But I am wondering...Do I need to divide it into smaller containers or can I leave it in the 5 gal bucket and just put it in my laundry detergent container as I need it?

  72. @Melly

    Hi Melly!

    You can leave it in the 5 gallon bucket, but you have to stir/shake it before each use. For that reason, it might be easier to divide it into smaller containers. Just make sure to mix the detergent well before doing so.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  73. I accidentally put in 1 cup of borax instead of 1/2 cup. I don't want to throw out the whole batch. But I also saw that someone posted that borax with hot water causes a bleaching effect. Does anyone know if it will hurt the colors on hot cycle or not

  74. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    You might try adding additional amounts of each ingredient to make up for the extra borax. Add another 4 cups of water, another bar of Fels-Naptha soap, and another cup of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda.

    Hope this helps,
    Lily and Ellie

  75. Made this today and used it. I love it! I'll never buy detergent again. I wish I would have been using this a long time ago!

  76. keep an extra bar of Fels Naphtha on hand to use as stain treatment. Just rub on and throw in the wash!

  77. Where would you find the Fels Naphtha in a walmart is it with the laundry soap or bath soap? Excited to make my first batch

  78. @Brenda

    Hi Brenda,

    Check to find a store in your area that carries Fels-Naptha (usually located in the laundry or cleaning isle).

    Fels-Naptha can also be purchased online. Take a look at these websites:

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  79. DO you by chance make Homamade Bar soap? Would love a simple recipe.

  80. Ivory soap works great as a pre-treater or stain remover. I used it on my baby's cloth diapers to remove stains it it left them bright white.

  81. Ryan R., St. Louis, MOApril 18, 2012 at 9:46 AM

    Once I accidentally spilled liquid fabric softener on a pair of khaki pants. I tried washing them again to get it out, but it didn't work. I even took them to the dry cleaner and they couldn't get it out. I called the hotline on the side of the fabric softener bottle and they told me to put the pants in the bathtub, moisten them thoroughly and go over the fabric softener stain with IVORY soap, then machine wash as normal. It worked like a charm the first time and saved me from throwing out an otherwise good pair of pants!

  82. OK, I've tried this twice and both times the laundry soap had gelled so much it was almost solid! Should I cut back on the borax, if so will it still clean as well?

  83. @Anonymous I use the same formula and love it...

  84. @Shaleza

    Hi Shaleza,

    You can try cutting back on the borax, but don't cut out too much, or you will risk it not cleaning as well. Perhaps you over-stirred or shook the mixture too much?

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  85. I find that if you make as much as the recipe calls for and you do not use it all within about 2-3 months it can gel quite a bit and almost be "solid" as Shaleza said but this is easilly fixed by using half of the gel soap mixture and half hot water.

  86. Made and used this recipe this weekend. It didn't make suds in the machine. Should it? Clothes seemed to come out clean, but the lack of suds made me think I did something wrong.

  87. @pghjazzlady

    Hi pghjazzlady,

    Homemade laundry detergent does not usually produce suds, as there is no added "sudsing" agent. You did nothing wrong. :)

    Happy washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  88. Help I am in the u.k. finding hard to source the items :0( I need advice what to use? i cannot find arm and hammer washing soda I can get borax off ebay but dont know what type to get and not able to find the fels,zote either can you help I only have three kiddies but would like to save some money for fun things! thank you

  89. @SozKLee

    Hi SozKLee,

    We searched "fels naptha" on Ebay UK and found two options:

    We searched "arm and hammer super washing soda" on Ebay UK and found one option:

    We also found 20 Mule Team Borax on Ebay UK:
    Happy washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  90. @Elizabeth

    would this work ok for the new Hi efficiency washers?

    To make a good general purpose spray cleaner, use 3/4 cup rubbing alcohol, half a cup of vinegar, and fill bottle with water. Does counters and windows etc, and cheap and environmentally good.

  91. Just made the laundry detergent yesterday. Seemed simple enough, but I wrote "note to self", boil the bar of soap outside and wear gloves while shredding soap. It took forever to get the smell off my hands. I decided to try this after realizing that the store bought laundry detergent lies about how many loads per bottle you get. 3 different store bought detergents only give about half the loads that they state you should get. Thank you so much for this recipe.

  92. This saounds awesome. I am going to try it. 3 kids and 3 adults in the house, we do lots of laundry!! Thank you for the idea.

  93. A couple of questions before I try this out...I have all of the stuff but not enough small bottles to store it in. Is it ok to leave some in the 5 gal bucket? I've been reading that some people are having problems with it thickening too much. Also, I have a baby on the way, is it ok to use this in place of the dreft? I would really like to avoid needing 2 different kinds of detergents. And lastly, for stain booster, is it ok to add oxy clean right to the load with this detergent?

  94. @Jess

    Hi Jess,

    You can store it in the 5 gallon bucket. Just make sure to mix the detergent well before using it or transferring it to another container.

    The Duggars have several young children, so this detergent should be fine for baby's laundry. However, some babies have more sensitive skin than others. You could try washing a washcloth in this detergent and then touching it to your baby's skin to see if your little one tolerates it.

    As for adding OxyClean to the load, one of our readers does this and has said that it works. To pre-treat stains, Christy adds extra borax or washing soda to the load, and mom2cade rubs her stains with a bar of Fels Naptha soap.

    Brandy says: "If whites are dingier after a while, use bleach. I use non chlorine bleach. It's made with hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine, and you can use it on colors as well. No worry of staining and no harsh chemical smell."

    Happy Washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  95. I made my laundry detergent last night and it turned out well . I also added 1 cup of Oxy clean versatile stain remover to the recipe and it is wonderful .

  96. I made this detergent a few days ago but it didnt thinken much... It still looks about the consistency of water... is that normal? Should I add more borax? Thanks

  97. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Did you stir it well and let it sit overnight? Borax is the thickener--are you sure you put enough in? We don't recommend adding extra Borax; the amount called for in the recipe should be sufficient.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  98. Made recipe let set. Thinner up top with thick settlement. Stirred poured in container. Noticed there were no suds. Is this normal? If not, remedies? Thanks loads

  99. @Brenda

    Hi Brenda,

    Completely normal. Homemade laundry detergent does not usually produce suds, as there is no added "sudsing" agent.

    Happy washing!
    Lily and Ellie

    1. Thanks so much was afraid I had done something wrong

  100. I have been using the Duggar's laundry soap recipe for over 2 1/2 years. I love it. It has saved us money. My husband and I like it so much because we do not itch from it like other name brand laundry soaps that we have used in the past. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. It has helped my family out a lot. :)

  101. it works good, however i noticed today that its leaving stains on my clothes that were not there before. I used zout on it to pre-treat stains and now there are a couple of new stains. We have a whole bucket of this and I don't want to throw it out but then again I can't be ruining my clothes either. I found too that you need to use more scent drops then 10-15 to make it smell good too.

  102. I just made my first batch of the duggars liquid soap and it Amazing!
    I did noticed that after it has set overnite it had set into a pretty solid gel form that was hard to mix. i broke it up with a metal spatula and i actually used a hand mixer and blended the rest of the chunks and it worked great!
    Has anyone tried using it for general cleaning purposes? I did and it cleans great,for example the vent on the hood above my stove hadnt been cleaned in a few years(bad i know) but i made a spray bottle of half water and half solution with the laundry soap and sprayed it on and the thick grease just fell off! so i soaked it in the tub for 15-20 min with bout a cup of concentrate and a few inches of hot water in tub. Never seen the metal vent look sooo clean before after i drained the tub and rinsed the vents with hot water. I even cleaned my bathtub with the soap and it worked great! Big Thanks to the Duggars for sharing their recipe with the rest of us!!!!!!

  103. Can you use a bar of Zote soap instead of the Fels-Naptha? Or has anybody tried that?

  104. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    We did some research, and it looks like Zote works just fine as a substitute for Fels Naptha.

    Happy Washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  105. Could you put something in it like lemon zest or something of that nature in it to give it different fragrances?

  106. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    We don't recommend lemon zest, as it could stain your clothes or rot. For fragrance, add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons once the soap has cooled. The Duggars recommend lavender, rosemary, or tea tree oil.

    Happy Washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  107. @Anonymous

    I have added 1 Cup of OxyClean to the liquid recipe. It brightens things up a bit!

  108. I tried this recipe for the first time yesterday, but when I woke up this morning to check my detergent, it was still very runny and was full of clumps of white stuff. Any idea what might have went wrong?

  109. @Stephanie

    Hi Anonymous,

    Did you stir the detergent before leaving it overnight? We suggest mixing it thoroughly and then giving it another day to sit.

    Hope this helps,
    Lily and Ellie

  110. I am in the process of making my detergent now (waiting for it to gel). I just want to make sure I do the next step correctly. Tomorrow when I have my 5 gallon bucket and want to put it into other containers (say old 1 gallon plastic containers) do i put half soap, and then dilute it with half water again? How much will I use for each load then, and how many containers do you think I'll need? Thanks

  111. @wright

    Hi wright,

    That is correct; when you divide the detergent into containers, you dilute it again. For a top load machine, use 5/8 cup per load. For
    a front load machine,use 1/4 cup per load.

    We recommend filling an empty dispenser and leaving the rest of the detergent in the bucket until the dispenser is empty. Just remember to dilute each time you refill the dispenser.

    Happy Washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  112. @wright

    Two more things: Be sure to stir the mixture before transferring it into the dispenser, and shake the dispenser before each use.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  113. Is it ok to use bleach with this detergent for the whites cycle just as you would use bleach with a store-bought detergent?

    Love your gracious, helpful responses! God bless!

  114. @Dawn

    Hi Dawn,

    You can most certainly use bleach with this detergent.

    Happy Bleaching! We are honored to have you as a reader. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  115. Hello, the question whether this will harm or bleach colirs if washed in hot water has not been answered. I read that one of the ingredients when mixed with hot water act as a bleaching agent. Is this the colr safe kind? Thanks oh and also have you heard of residue or buildup in cloth diapers?

  116. @Rita

    Hi Rita,

    This detergent is safe to use on all laundry. We have not heard of it causing buildup on cloth diapers.

    Hope this answers your questions.
    Happy Washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  117. Hello i thank you for taking time to answer all these questions but once again you havent answered whether or not this detergent if accidentally washed colirs in hot water if they would bleach. I ask because its been a popular question and i too am curious.

  118. @Rita

    Hi Rita,

    Just wash your clothes as you would with any other detergent.

    Hope this answers your question,
    Lily and Ellie

  119. I made this recipe 2 weeks ago with one slight variation. I used 1C borax instead of the 1/2C that the recipe called for. I think it works wonderful. Thank you for sharing it.

  120. Hi,
    I will be making this recipe this week. I was wondering if you know of some top homemade or natural cheap cleaners. I have been using Comet for my bathtub because I have not found a cleaner that works as well as it. I really do not using it though do to the harsh chemicals in it. Do you have another suggestion for it? What about dishwashing and handwashing detergents?

    Thanks for all the great ideas! I think companies are making alot of money off on my studpidity. Im glad to get back to the basics and the money saving!


    1. Bar Keepers Friend works great on
      tubs,etc but you will be very impressed
      how it cleans toilet . I usually turn water off
      to toilet then flush and sprinkle some in
      bowl wait about 1 min. swish with toilet
      brush wait a while and go back and flush.
      I have NEVER used anything that works
      better.It comes in a can like Comet,Ajax .

    2. This works great!

  121. @Ashley Autry

    Hi Ashley,

    We use Bon Ami to clean our bathtubs, tile floors, toilets, and just about anything else in our home. It is an all natural, nonabrasive cleaner that is reasonably priced. You can learn more at

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Lily and Ellie

  122. I finished my first batch this morning! I happened to be up with my 3 yr old this morning so I decided to finish the detergent after letting it sit overnight.( Do you know of anyone else making a batch of laundry detergent at 7am! LOL!) I am so blessed to have the time though. I am going to try the homemade wipes recipe I found on here. I believe it said the Bates make it. We have 2 children and are hoping to at least double that if it's God's will. So, I will be needing them. Thanks so much for all the helpful advice! I am going to try the BonAmi. I have wonderful weekend. God Bless!

  123. What about adding half the naptha soap and half bar of Irish spring soap would it come out same but smell like Irish spring? Thanks

  124. @Bridgette's Creations

    Hi Bridgette,

    We have not personally tried Irish Spring soap (we use Fels-Naptha), but we have heard from others that it works.

    Happy Washing!
    Lily and Ellie

  125. @Anonymous

    Add a downey ball of white vinegar up to the line. It softens, whitens, deodorizes, and cleans your washer all at the same time. And no your clothes will not smell of vinegar.

  126. Just wondering if anyone has had a problem with their clothes turning yellow/dingy from the soap??? Wanting to try this...but dont want my clothes to turn yellow....Thanks

  127. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Although we don't have this issue when using the Duggars' laundry soap, a few readers have mentioned their whites coming out dingy. To remedy that, some add OxyClean to the wash cycle, and others use bleach.

    Here is an article with tips to get your whites looking brighter:

    Brandy says: "If whites are dingier after a while, use bleach. I use non chlorine bleach. It's made with hydrogen peroxide instead of chlorine, and you can use it on colors as well. No worry of staining and no harsh chemical smell."

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  128. I have been using this wonderful recipe for over a year and will never buy premade soap at the store again. We love it! Over the year I have invested $20.00 and made this re pie at least 4 times. Caution, if you give this amazing soap away in cute bottles as gifts, people love it so much they ask for more! We have a front load he washer and the soap works great!

  129. I added a bottle of downy to mine and that his given it a great smell:)

  130. Our Family LOVES the Dugger dry and liquid laundry detergent! We have been looking for ways to save money, and this is one awesome way to do it! Thank you Dugger family for sharing all of your great tips!

  131. Going to use the last batch I used slivers of left-over shower bars (works fine!)for my laundry soap. I love that I can put a few drops of my choice of essential oil into the mix and it smells soooo good! Our local Dollar Tree stores sells wonderful lavender soaps too! so Fels isn't the only way to go but wanted to try it this next batch.

  132. i followed this recipe exactly and used ivory soap, i didnt have a lid so i put something over top of the mixture, it did not gel at all, can i still use it?

  133. @jessica

    Hi Jessica,

    Did you stir the detergent before leaving it overnight? We suggest mixing it thoroughly and then giving it another day to sit.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  134. Hi there! I have 3 questions.

    1. HOW did you guys come up with your laundry soap recipe? I'm curious because I've seen lots of similar recipes for homemade laundry soap and although similar, they're all different..which makes me wonder HOW folks come up with the amounts of each of their ingredients.

    2. A bar of soap, 1/2 cup of Borax and a cup of washing soda doesn't seem like it's enough for 10 gal of product. Isn't it weak solution?

    3. Also, have you (or anyone else)used the 5 gal concentrate without diluting as their finished laundry soap product?

  135. @Anonymous
    The reason for the dingy whites is in the old days when recipes for laundry were developed people added bleach to their whites properly clean them. You may try adding some non chlorine bleach to the recipe, or simply add some bleach to whites when you wash.

  136. Can you store this in an uncovered bucket?

  137. @Cathy H.

    Hi Cathy,

    It's best to keep it covered. If your bucket doesn't have a lid, just use plastic wrap. That's what we do. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  138. You can also purchase Mrs. Stewart's Bluing-add drops to a bottle of wateryill it turns sky blue and then add 1/2 cup to your wash to make your whites whiter.

  139. Still anxiously waiting for the answers to my 3 questions asked on September 14, 2012. Thanks! :)

  140. @BusyMommyOfSix

    Hi BusyMommyofSix,

    Due to the sheer number of questions that we receive each day, we are not always able to answer each one. This laundry detergent recipe is used by many, not just be the Duggars. It has worked for us, but we do recommend following the recipe.

    Hope this answers your questions,
    Lily and Ellie

  141. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Did you stir it plenty? Try stirring it, letting it sit overnight, and then stirring it again. Borax is the thickener--are you sure you put enough in?

    ~Lily and Ellie

  142. Hi I am a Duggar fan from Canada .I have been making this soap for a few years since it first aired on TLC.I would use no other now. I have also given away lots of soap for people to try along with the recipe.Recently I gave 4 quarts to a Women's shelter along with the recipe.
    My clothes are bright and white I use the homemade oxi clean recipe on Tipnut for stubborn stains or a 1/4 cup of javex in the water for a full load . I use warm wash and cold rinse water.

  143. hello im new on this and i would like to know if i can use
    Arm & Hammer Powder Plus Oxiclean Stain Fighters Fresh Scent Laundry Detergent, 9.92 lb please thank you

  144. I decided I wanted to give the liquid laundry soap a try. After the first load I felt like the clothes were clean, but was still skeptical because suds=clean is ingrained in my brain. Anyway after the third load, I noticed something. I have to wash my husband's work clothes and he is a mechanic. Well I must admit I am lazy and don't clean the drum after I do this, so the drum has a ring around it and has turned gray from many washes. After that third load, I noticed that the gray was gone from most of the drum in the washing machine. The top 6 inches (I guess from splashing during the wash cycle) or so was still dingy,gray looking, but everything below that was back a pretty white color. That made me realize yep, my clothes are getting clean. Thanks so much for this recipe, I am so thrilled with it.

  145. Can you leave this the strength it is without diluting it into another container as suggested?

  146. I can not read all the comments about the laundry soap, so how much does it cost per load. Thanks Sandy

  147. @Cathy H.

    Hi Cathy,

    We fill a couple of laundry containers (1 part water, 1 part solution) and leave the remainder of the solution in the 5 gallon bucket until needed.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  148. @Anonymous

    Hi Sandy,

    The exact cost per load depends on your washing habits and the cost of your ingredients. For us, the soap bar costs just over $1, and the super washing soda and borax (which can be used for several batches) each cost about $5. That translates into pennies per load.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  149. I have been using this recipe for awhile now. It works pretty good, but is not great for really dirty clothes, those need some OXY clean on them as well or to be scrubbed with a Fels Naptha bar. Am wondering if anyone has any great homemade stain removers? My husband is a mechanic and works on large machinery, it is not out of the ordinary for him to get a bath in oil or diesel from day to day. I find if I add the extra water it becomes to weak and thin and doesn't really do a good job. After I put the soap in with the half bucket of water I don't add anymore water. It is a bit gloopy coming out of the container, but seems to get the clothes clean. When I am not using this recipe I use Purex Free and Clear. I can't use detergents like Tide or such because they make me break out and ITCH!

    1. My husband often came home with oil all over his clothes. For a particularly bad stain, I dampen a bar of Fels Naptha and rub as a pre-treater. Make sure to put white vinegar instead of fabric softener in the load; it cuts the grease. Color-safe bleach and warm water is a must as well!

  150. I use the Duggar recipe and I love it. I have an allergy and finding the right laundry soap was difficult and then once I did find the right one that I didn't have a problem one it of course was the most expensive. So I figured I would try the Duggar's recipe and no more allergy problems. I found it very easy and kind of fun to make. I do sometimes add more of the washing soda to my whites to keep them fresh or if my cloths are extra dirty. So far the soap has been working great. I even keep some in an old sports top water bottle for stain treatments.

  151. I love this laundry soap. I have been using it for a year now my kids and husband are allergic to almost everything! I love knowing what's in it. I store the soap in baby water 1 gallon jugs on my shelf next to the washer.

  152. Hi! I made this recipe and it gelled great, but when I put my first batch in a laundry jug and added water to the concentrate (half and half), it's like complete water now. Anybody else run into this?

  153. @KWH

    Hi KWH,

    When we first made it, we were also shocked at how liquidity it was, but that's normal for homemade laundry soap. It doesn't gel nearly as much as store-bought.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  154. When my whites become dingy looking, I use a "pod" of Dish Washer detergent, like Cascade, Ajax, whatever is cheapest. I also include about 1/4 cup bleach. It really does help removed the "dingy's"!

  155. I've been making homemade laundry soap for a while & love saving money. I find the liquid version very messy to make & recently found the recipe below. I love it. It cleans great & smells wonderful. I like the Zote soap much better too. Thought I'd share the recipe :

    1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax- Found in the detergent aisle
    1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda- Found in the detergent aisle
    1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean- Found in the detergent aisle. (This is optional but I highly recommend adding it)
    2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap- Found in the detergent aisle (we chose to do pink for the scent but the white would be just fine. You can also use Fels Naptha)
    1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda- Found in the cooking aisle (You could also get two 2 lb box, we couldn’t find the larger 4lb box when we went)
    1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener- Found in the detergent aisle (This is 100% optional. Like I said, my laundry detergent must smell good and I really like soft towels)
    1. Grate zote soap with cheese grater or food processor.
    2. Mix all ingredients together in a large bucket.
    3. Use 2 -4 Tablespoons per laundry load.

  156. I hear throughout that whites are dingy . I like bright whites . Can I add oxy clean if yes how much ?

  157. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    A couple of our readers have said that they add 1 cup of OxiClean directly to the recipe and that it works well.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  158. For years....I have used the shaklee laundry soap. Very expensive. We have a large massage therapy office so we wash a lot of sheets & towels. My associate brought the recipe in with a ready made bottle for me to use. WOW!!! It is the best! I also use it at home. I have passed it on to several people and really is not an effort to make. My daughter grates the soap and we do the rest. I think it comes out to 1 & 1/2cent per load. Take your savings & put it toward something else besides laundry soap :) Duggers We Love You & you're a great example ~ Keep it simple!

  159. @Elizabeth
    I love the this Family's fame to bring attention to real eco friendly cleaning, cooking and living solutions... I was one of 5..most our food was home made, nothing 'fast' or junkie'...I'm a fan!!!

  160. I have tried a few versions of homemade laundry soap but this one is my favorite and is the easiest to make. I also love that it is so great for the sensitive skins in my family. They never break out from it (not even the baby) and it's cheap!

  161. I actually heard about this on another site, but this site was suggested for more ideas. I changed the recipe up just alittle as my daughter doesn't like the smell of the laundry bar soaps.

    1 c - Borax
    1 c - Washing soda
    1 - Bar Ivory soap
    1/2 c - Oxycleaner
    1/2 c - Purex crystals for scent

    Boiled 2 quarts of water, soften Ivory in the micowave added to water, added oxycleaner and stirred until all dissolved. Added to 5 gal bucket. Boiled another 2 quarts of water, added remaining ingredients, stirred until dissolved and added to bucket Stirred everything very well in bucket and filled bucket with hot tap water. Let sit over night to gel. It smells delightful and cleans wonderfully.

  162. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    It works in both hot and cold weather.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  163. @SozKLee I found the washing soda on amazon in the us so you might check the amazon uk site.

  164. I use a recipe from Beckys Homestead. It only uses the borax and Zote. I liked the pink color of the Zote and the smell. I made a ton out of this and it works great!

  165. @Anonymous

    Do you really use one bar of soap to make 10 gallons of liquid laundry detergent??

  166. Hi, i have seen my sister make the duggar recipe & she followed the directions to a t but her soap never ever gelled it just got water and had slimmy clumps in it? but i really wanna try this to save money i live in a home of 10 ppl and laundry soap goes fast! how can i get mine to gel and not turn out like my sisters?

  167. @CaliCorona

    Hi CaliCorona,

    It is normal for the finished product to have lumps in it. As for making it gel, try stirring it well, covering it, and letting it sit overnight. That should do the trick.

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  168. I have a question about the detergent. I only use cold water and the gel doesn't seem to melt very well. I put the gel in first then run the water. ANY SUGGETIONS?

  169. @Belinda Morris

    Hi Belinda,

    We use this detergent with the cold water setting on our washer, and it works just fine.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  170. Do you have to use Fels-Naptha soap, or will any bar soap work?

  171. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Some readers have reported using Ivory or Kirk's Castille, but some have said that the mixture doesn't gel as well when you use those soaps. We recommend sticking with Fels-Naptha.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  172. Thank you for sharing your family's tips! I just heard about this detergent in our homeschool group but I was wondering about the difference in yield between the powdered and liquid/gel version: 40 vs. 180 loads. That's quite a difference! Could you explain it? Thanks again!

  173. Recipe for Washing Soda: Baking soda baked in the oven at 300 for 40 minutes. The heat converts it to washing soda. It is much cheaper this way. Have a great day.

  174. Maybe this is a stupid question, but it makes sense in my head. Since you use the same amounts of all the ingredients in the dry and liquid recipe (besides adding the water), Couldn't the powdered recipe also do 180 loads???

  175. @Haleigh

    Hi Haleigh,

    Not a stupid question at all. Due to the water added to the liquid recipe, it makes 10 gallons of detergent. The powder recipe only makes 3 cups of detergent.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  176. What is the most popular essential oil that is used in the laundry soap? What kind of oil's do the Duggars use? I'm about to try making this for the first time. I'm really excited and want our laundry to smell good. :)

  177. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    The Duggars recommend lavender, rosemary, or tea tree oil.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  178. @Anonymous I just want to make one gallon; I don't have a lot of room for much more than that amount.

  179. @Anonymous

    If you add 1 or 2 oz. citric acid, that should fix the problem and keep your washing machine clean!

  180. I really need this soap to work so that we can save some money! I am very disappointed because I am finding spots in my clothes that were not there prior to washing them. It seems like it is ruining our clothes and I might have to stop using it. Before I start using Tide again can you please help. I made it exactly like the directions stated using all of the proper ingredients. My husband mixed well with an electric tool because the ingredients were separated after hand mixing it. Should I add something else or increase the amounts? Any suggestions would be appreciated!! Thank you in advance!!

  181. I have made this wonderful detergent once before and while I did get lumpy gel it still works great!
    I am going to make it again this week and use my stick blender after it gels and before I put it into the laundry detergent bottles. Hopefully that will help it stay a gelled liquid. Either way, I still get amazingly clean and wonderful smelling clothes without all the expense!

  182. I made our first batch of laundry soap and there seems to be no clean smell to our clothes, like there isn't enough soap in the mixture & its watered down. I bought a huge bar of the soap, 14.1 oz.,its the size of two regular bars of soap so I just used 1/2 of it. What size soap bar is used for the Duggar recipe? I didn't see it posted anywhere so not sure if I was sappose to put the whole 14.1 oz bar in? Thank you for all your help:)

  183. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    A regular bar of fels-naptha soap is 5.5 oz.

    ~Lily and Ellie


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.